The overwhelming aura radiated by Kaya Kiyohara “on location in Chinatown in a colorful coat | FRIDAY DIGITAL

The overwhelming aura radiated by Kaya Kiyohara “on location in Chinatown in a colorful coat

News on the Scene FRIDAY Eyewitness! Harikomi 24 (Yokohama, 8:40 a.m.)

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Even though it was a national holiday, there were few people in Yokohama Chinatown in the early morning. One corner of the area was strangely bustling with activity. It seemed to be the filming of the drama “Fight Song” (TBS).

It was early in the morning, when there were still few tourists, but Kiyohara’s flashy orange coat stood out from the crowd.

It is an original script by popular screenwriter Yoshikazu Okada, and the heroine is Kaya Kiyohara (19), who starred in the morning drama “Welcome Back Monet. It is a love story about a love triangle between a failed musician played by Shotaro Mamiya (28) and his childhood friend played by Kazuma Kikuchi (26) of Sexy Zone.

When Kiyohara, wearing an orange coat, came to the Zentrimon gate at the entrance to Chinatown, Mamiya appeared from behind a pillar. They were filming a scene in which they walked into Chinatown together, perhaps to meet up for a date. Next, they went into a narrow alley. By the time the filming was over, Chinatown was crowded with customers, and Kiyohara ran through the alley to avoid being seen and got into the pickup truck.

It is said that for a heroine of a morning drama, the first film after the drama can make or break her acting career. Kiyohara has a high level of acting ability, and we hope she will make a further leap forward with this film.

Unpublished cut from this magazine: Kaya Kiyohara on location in Yokohama’s Chinatown
An unpublished cut from this magazine shows Kaya Kiyohara on location in Yokohama’s Chinatown.

From FRIDAY January28, 2022issue

  • PHOTO Yusuke Kondo

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