Ami Yuasa on Gold Medal Changes and Next Ambition

Be mindful of Instagram posts!
After winning the gold medal, AMI felt her life had expanded significantly. However, she initially opposed breaking becoming an Olympic sport. This was because she believed, “Breaking isn’t a sport; it’s something closer to personal expression and art.” But her perspective changed when she saw the mentors she respected leading the dance federation.
“If the people I respect are leading the way, then maybe breaking can be part of the sports world without losing its essence. That’s what I started to believe. I wanted to contribute and support them in elevating breaking.”
For AMI, the appeal of breaking lies in the ambiguity of its judging criteria.
“There’s no right answer. In other sports, like track and field or swimming, the fastest person wins, so everyone focuses on improving their speed. But in breaking, there’s no set formula for winning. It’s about finding the moves that suit you and training in your own unique way. That’s why, after a battle, there’s a deep sense of respect for your opponent. Everyone has their own strengths and fights in their own way—that’s what makes breaking so fascinating to me.”
However, even AMI has faced setbacks and struggles.
“There were times I wanted to quit. But each time, my family and friends encouraged me. That’s why I deeply value the people around me. I feel that growing together with people who motivate and support me is really important.”
While AMI’s daily life hasn’t changed much after the Olympics, her approach to social media has shifted slightly.
“I used to post Instagram Stories showing my location in real time, but now I post them with a delay.”
When asked about her future goals, AMI’s eyes lit up.
“I want to dedicate more time to creating new moves. I also want to travel to different countries and immerse myself in their breaking scenes.”
Even as an Olympic gold medalist, AMI continues to seek evolution. Her new challenges may bring a fresh wave of inspiration to the world of breaking.