(Page 2) The reason why the nominator of the popular word nominee “Rice Theory” decided to go to court with the Communist Party. | FRIDAY DIGITAL

The reason why the nominator of the popular word nominee “Rice Theory” decided to go to court with the Communist Party.

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Mr. Kamiya explained the need for reform to the interviewers.

The Need for “Reform

In an instant, the relationship of trust with the party he had been a member of for 30 years collapsed. The response of those around him also changed drastically,” Kamiya continued.

In order to dispose of the party members, it would normally be necessary to adopt a resolution at the branch office or prefectural committee. However, they expelled me at the will of a very few people. Suddenly, I am no longer associated as a human being with the friends I have worked with and helped each other until yesterday. There was no personal will there, and I felt truly horrible. I felt as if my human rights were being violated in the preliminary stages of my dismissal.”

Raising the issue led to expulsion and power harassment. Still, Kamiya says he wants to return to the party. There are two reasons.

There are a lot of party members in the community,” he said, “and it’s like a temple to run to. The Communist Party has a lifeline role, and I think it is highly necessary. In addition, it disseminates socially significant news, as represented by the “Shimbun Aka Hata” (newspaper red flag), and plays a role in monitoring power. These two initiatives are spreading throughout Japan, and moreover, they are stocked. This is valuable.

Just like renovating an old house, the Communist Party can still shine if it gets some work done. This is a trick that a new party cannot do. I want to rebuild the Communist Party and work again. That is my wish.

Mr. Kamiya also made this appeal.

Even though so many party members have left, no one is urging the executives to reflect on their actions or advising them to change their minds. This is because such speech is silenced. We need a reform that fundamentally changes the organization. Not a few party members feel this way inwardly.”

Kamiya continued, “We are planning to hold a large-scale rally before the Upper House election, attended by former and current party members who have been expelled or excluded from the party, to challenge the state of the Communist Party. He also appealed that the Communist Party must change in line with the times.

In the lawsuits filed by Mr. Matsutake and Mr. Kamiya, not even the admission or denial of the facts of the lawsuits has progressed, citing the “party’s constitution” as a shield. Will the day ever come when the voices of party members will be heard by the party?

  • PHOTO Courtesy of Kamiya

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