Mixed feelings of the Mako-less Akishino family during the year-end and New Year holidays | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Mixed feelings of the Mako-less Akishino family during the year-end and New Year holidays

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Prince and Princess Akishino during their visit to Finland in 2019 (AFLO)

In the past, the Akish ino family has been in mourning over the death of Noriko’s father, Professor Emeritus Tatsuhiko Kawashima of Gakushuin University, at the end of last year.

The fact that the eldest son, Prince Eugene, is preparing to enter high school this spring with some sort of entrance exam is one factor, but the fact that the eldest daughter, Mako, married Kei Komuro and left home has undoubtedly had an impact on this atmosphere.

I’ve heard that Kako, the second daughter, seemed to be more lonely than usual since Mako, whom she can confide in about anything, was not in Japan. Even though they can communicate remotely, it’s not the same as being next to each other and feeling each other’s body heat.

On the other hand, the head of the family, Prince Akishino, is said to have spent the year-end and New Year’s holidays thinking about it.

He has repeatedly asked Kei Komuro to create an environment in which the people would be blessed and to give an explanation that would satisfy the people, but in the end he was unable to do so. (Journalist)

In fact, Prince Akishino referred to Kei Komuro as “my daughter’s husband” and said the following

This spring, my daughter’s husband issued a rather lengthy document, didn’t he? It is true that he did give an explanation, but I wonder how many people would be able to understand it after reading it. If you look at it quickly, you can understand it if you read it carefully, but if you just read it quickly, it is not so easy to understand. I’ve decided that it’s not something that everyone can read and immediately understand.

The reason why Prince Akishino has repeatedly pointed out the importance of their marriage is because he believes that the trust of the people is important to the Akishino family, which holds the first and second places in the line of succession to the throne. And since he couldn’t achieve that with Mako’s marriage, I’ve heard that he’s thinking that he has no choice but to entrust Kako with this task.

He continues in more detail.

Kako turned 27 at the end of last year. There is a possibility that she may be thinking about marriage, and it is believed that marriage is not far off. As for Prince Akishino, the timing is right. I think His Imperial Highness Prince Akishino is thinking that his trust in the Imperial Family will be tested at that time.

However, it seems that Kako has some complications on her mind.

It is said that Prince Akishino has raised Mako and Kako by telling them, ‘After you get married, you will leave this house and live as civilians. Even though the incident between Mako and Kei had various effects on the Imperial Family, Kako said, ‘Even if I am told about my trust in the family and the Imperial Family, or entrusted with something, how should I behave? It’s not easy,’ she said.” (Ibid.)

It seems that the impact of Mako’s marriage on the Imperial Family has been too great.

  • Photo AFLO

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