(Page 4) Playback ’95] Picking Up the Bones from the Burnt Ruins…People in Kobe Begin to Rise from the Grief of the Great Hanshin Earthquake | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Playback ’95] Picking Up the Bones from the Burnt Ruins…People in Kobe Begin to Rise from the Grief of the Great Hanshin Earthquake

The Great Hanshin Earthquake (3)

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A girl watches restoration work (February 10, ’95).
A parent and child brush their teeth at a water supply in a park (Nagata Ward) (’95, Feb. 10).
People were still buried under the house next to the boy (Nada Ward) (February 10, ’95)
The gymnasium at night was so cold at the bottom that one could hardly feel one’s feet (February 10, ’95)
Children at an evacuation center (February 10, ’95)
  • PHOTO Shinya Inui (1st), Naoki Kamidate (2nd, 5th), Yutaka Asai (3rd), Tomoyasu Kanazawa (4th), Toshihiro Nakaikawa (6th)

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