Fuji’s third-party committee interviewed only employees…Confused information and false rumors have increased the “demand for accountability” from Masahiro Nakai. | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Fuji’s third-party committee interviewed only employees…Confused information and false rumors have increased the “demand for accountability” from Masahiro Nakai.

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Masahiro Nakai has retired from show business. But some question his accountability. ……

Mr. Nakai contacted Ms. A directly.

Former TV personality Masahiro Nakai, 52, is being called upon to be “accountable. This is because of the ongoing confusion over a series of female troubles.

In June 2011, he had a serious “sexual trouble” with Ms. X, who was working for Fuji Television at the time. In December of last year, it was reported in “Josei Seven” and “Shukan Bunshun” that he had paid a large settlement through his agent.

On January 27, Fuji Television held a “redo” press conference that lasted more than 10 hours, at which President Koichi Minato and Chairman Shuji Kano announced their resignations. Vice Chairman Ryunosuke Endo is also expected to resign after the results of the third-party committee are announced at the end of March.

Meanwhile, on January 28, the Weekly Bunshun, which had been pursuing this issue, reported the following regarding the circumstances of the dinner between Nakai and Ms. X

The article stated that “Ms. Xko was invited to the dinner by Mr. A, a Fuji programming executive,” but subsequent interviews revealed that “Ms. Xko was invited by Nakai” and that she was aware that it was an “extension” of the meeting Mr. A had set up. I corrected the story.

The editor-in-chief of Bunshun also corrected the story on his website. The editor-in-chief of Bunshun also made a similar explanation on his company’s website, but the criticism is growing, especially on the Internet.

The editor-in-chief of Bunshun also made a similar explanation on his own website, but the criticism is mounting, especially on the Internet. The question arises as to what kind of wording he used to invite her. As far as we have been able to gather, we have heard that Mr. Nakai’s line was not ‘let’s drink one-on-one’ but ‘let’s drink together.’ Mr. A told Fuji’s investigation that he was ‘unaware’ of the dinner in question itself. If this is true, it is possible that Mr. Nakai’s “let’s all have a drink together” was a lie to lure Ms. X out.

says a source at the TV station.

There are other aspects of Nakai’s behavior that are questionable. In July 2011, after the trouble occurred, Nakai explained the situation to Fuji employees. At that time, he did not say what exactly happened behind closed doors, but gave the impression that it was “a relationship problem between a man and a woman.

Furthermore, at a press conference on January 27, President Minato

commented, “(During the course of the investigation) it became clear that Mr. Nakai has a different perception of women than women.”

He commented. Then, in response to another question.

Did Mr. Nakai say he consented?”

Vice President Endo was asked, “Did Mr. Nakai say he agreed?

Mr. Endo answered, “As you say.”

The publicist immediately corrected him. The spokesperson immediately offered a correction to this question. Vice President Endo replied

I overstepped the bounds of what I said. I cannot answer that question,” he said.

He retracted his previous statement. This is an unavoidable measure to protect Ms. X’s privacy and prevent secondary damage.

Mr. Nakai should fulfill his accountability even now.

However, this does not mean that the statement itself “never happened. A reporter in charge of entertainment at a sports newspaper who attended the press conference said

I am sure that all the reporters there recognized that it was an important part of the furore. I got the impression that Mr. Nakai was trying desperately to explain himself so as not to make things worse.

He said.

On January 23, Nakai announced his retirement from show business on a paid website for his fan club. He did not mention the details of the trouble he had with the female victim.

I’m really, really, really sorry to have to say goodbye like this. Goodbye ……

He ended his 37-year career in show business by writing, “I am so, so, so sorry.

In the meantime, a third-party committee set up by Fuji TV conducted a questionnaire survey in the form of an e-mail from February 3. However, the survey is said to be directed at employees of Fuji Television Network and its parent company. According to the TV station official mentioned above.

“I hate to say it, but it looks as if Mr. Nakai is the only one who has ‘escaped’ from the crisis that is threatening Fuji’s very existence. What happened before and after the dinner?” “How did Mr. Nakai respond to the problem after it occurred? I understand that there is a duty of confidentiality, but there are many things that will not be known until Nakai-san explains himself. I think he should be accountable for his actions even now. That’s how big Mr. Nakai’s presence in the industry was. ……”

In his statement, Mr. Nakai said

I do not believe that I have fulfilled all my responsibilities. I will continue to deal with various issues sincerely and in good faith. I personally take full responsibility.

I take full responsibility for my actions. Now is the time to fulfill that promise.

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