TBS’s “I am Adventure Boy”: Abareru-kun and Harisenbon are victims of over-staging? | FRIDAY DIGITAL

TBS’s “I am Adventure Boy”: Abareru-kun and Harisenbon are victims of over-staging?

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This is the first time I’ve ever seen an episode of TBS’s “I am Adventure Boy. This is the first time that I’ve ever seen such a thing.

I’m an adventurous boy” (broadcast on January 3), a popular program on TBS, was reported by Bunshun Online to have been “suspected” of being a fake in the popular corner “Escape Island”.

The plan was for the celebrities to go to an uninhabited island, build a raft by themselves, and compete for time to escape from the island. The contestants were allowed to bring in a 45L backpack, but were not allowed to bring in food or drinking water. Other than that, the contestants had to escape the island using only the materials available on the island.

In this episode, three groups challenged Abareru-kun, two members of Harisenbon, and Fuma Kikuchi of Sexy Zone. Abareru-kun, who specializes in this project, was the only one to attempt it in a style that didn’t include a backpack.

Bunshun reported that the program staff had brought a large amount of supplies, including raft materials, from the mainland to the uninhabited island, and filmed the staff building the raft. It also showed a video of an unmanned raft connected to a boat by a rope and sailing away.

They even took a picture of Abareru-kun lying on the beach while the staff was frantically building the raft. He was even photographed laying on the beach while the staff was frantically building the raft. On air, he commented to the children that their fathers were working so hard.

He also said, “No one bag,” but he was on the boat with a blue backpack in his hand. She also appears in a children’s TV program, so if she was lying, I have to say it’s bad for their education.

TBS has stated that there will be no problem with future broadcasts, saying that they have taken safety into consideration.

However, after TBS said that they did not approve of the “excessive staging”, they also reported the “suspicion of make-believe” of Harisenbon as if to shoot a second arrow. However, after TBS refused to admit that the show was “overly staged,” it reported on Harisenbon’s “fake story. There were inconsistencies in the timeline, and they were seen staying at a hotel instead of a deserted island and buying lunch boxes and drinks at a convenience store.

The closed space of an uninhabited island and the pressure of a Golden Special may have made them do this. If the secret technique of sailing an unmanned raft on a boat is OK, anyone can succeed. Another problem is that the show is not staged as a complete variety show, but as a documentary. Talents have no choice but to cooperate with the production if they are told to do so by the staff, so it is safe to say that they are victims.

It is true that it would be tough for such a successful group of people to hold down a schedule for survival on a desert island. If they had announced from the beginning that they were doing it under such circumstances, the viewers and producers would have had more time to play and relax…

  • PHOTO Junsei Todoroki

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