Celebrating First Child Pregnancy! The scene of Satomi Ishihara’s “divine response to fans and staff | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Celebrating First Child Pregnancy! The scene of Satomi Ishihara’s “divine response to fans and staff

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Ishihara smiles at the staff and fans on the sidewalk as he gets into his car. Ishihara’s good-natured personality is probably the reason for her popularity.

I hope to work hard at my favorite job at my own pace while putting my baby first. I would appreciate it if you could watch over me warmly.

On January 10, actress Satomi Ishihara (35) announced through her agency that she was expecting her first child. In her comment, she said, “I have safely entered the stable phase and am spending my days in peace.

In January 2009, Ms. Ishihara reported that she had registered for marriage with an ordinary man. Even after her marriage, she continued to work vigorously. This time, however, she is expecting her first child, so she will probably save her work for a while.

Ms. Ishihara has a strange relationship with three generations of her family. Her grandmother gave birth to her mother when she was 35, and her mother gave birth to her first son when she was also 35. Today, Ms. Ishihara is also 35 years old. I heard that she told everyone around her that she wanted to have a child, so I’m sure she’s very happy.

The Internet is also full of “Congratulations! The Internet is full of congratulatory comments such as “Congratulations! The reason Ishihara is loved so much is probably because she is the best at dealing with everyone.

Mr. Ishihara is very considerate of those around him. If the filming of a drama goes on for a long time or the ratings don’t increase, the atmosphere on the set will stagnate. At such times, Mr. Ishihara always comes up with creative ways to improve the environment.

During the filming of one drama, I once brought in a Polaroid camera. I left it at the entrance of the studio with a handwritten note that said, “Let’s take a picture together. The staff happily took two shots with Mr. Ishihara and started putting the photos on the wall. Thanks to this, a sense of solidarity was created among the staff and actors, and everyone’s motivation was boosted, making the shooting a huge success.

The faces they show to their fans are also wonderful. This magazine also witnessed a scene of divine response in December 2008. In December 2008, Ishihara arrived in Ginza, Tokyo, wearing a chic all-black outfit. On that day, she was visiting a popular seafood restaurant on location for a TV program. Just before returning to the shuttle, she politely bowed and smiled at the staff and fans gathered on the sidewalk.

Ishihara’s happiness has increased with the addition of a family member. I’m sure that she will continue to add more charm to her acting and humanity in the future.

  • Photography Yuri Adachi

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