Eri Fukatsu, the 49-year-old actress who gave a great performance in “Kamukamu evuribadi” on the secret of having a fulfilling private and public life | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Eri Fukatsu, the 49-year-old actress who gave a great performance in “Kamukamu evuribadi” on the secret of having a fulfilling private and public life

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April 2008, with Takuya Kimura at the location of the drama CHNGE.

He takes a big swing and raises his legs high. The released ball neatly sits in the catcher’s mitt.

In the NHK TV series “Kamukamu evuribadi” (50th episode, hereinafter referred to as “Come Come Everybody“) broadcast on January 12, the one who showed off her perfect pitching form was Eri Fukatsu, who plays the main character “Rui”. Fukatsu had celebrated her 49th birthday the day before on the 11th. Fukatsu, who had celebrated her 49th birthday on the 11th, gave a perfect performance that made me believe she had never played baseball before.

She was trained by Shintaro Yamazaki, who won a total of 87 professional games for Kintetsu and other teams. He said he didn’t have much time to practice in between his busy schedule, but Fukatsu was able to throw to the catcher with no bounds. Mr. Keima Izunami, a director, praised her in interviews with the media, saying, “Beautiful form, as expected. Mr. Yamazaki, who instructed her, was also impressed with her ‘good form’.

For the first time in the history of morning dramas, “Come Come” features three heroines, Mone Kamishiraishi, Eri Fukatsu and Rina Kawase. The story is based on a radio English course and depicts a family story from three eras: Showa, Heisei, and 2024.

They have been dating for over 15 years.

Fukatsu’s role is a difficult one: at 49, she is currently playing the role of Rui, a 17- to 18-year-old girl.

Fukatsu seems to be having a hard time playing a role with an age difference of more than 30 years. Even so, there are almost no mistakes. If he has any questions about the script, he discusses it with the director or producer and works carefully. He never neglects to do so. On the set, he concentrates on the cast and creates a good tension.

Mr. Fukatsu was in the 1997 drama “Bayside Shakedown” with Yuji Oda, and in the 2008 drama “CHANGE” (both on Fuji TV). Ms. Fukatsu has an extensive career as an actor, having co-starred with Yuji Oda in the 1997 drama “Odoru Daisousasen” and with Takuya Kimura in the 2008 drama “CHANGE” (both on Fuji Television Network). I can feel her pride as a great actress.

There is a man who supports the stoic Fukatsu in both private and public life.

The famous stylist Haruhisa Shirayama. They have been together for a long time, and Mr. Shirayama, who is three years older than Fukatsu, has been with her for more than 15 years. Fukatsu seems to trust him deeply, both in his work and private life.

In July 2006, Fukatsu and Mr. Shirayama went to a yakitori restaurant in Tokyo under the same umbrella. After dinner, they went back to the same apartment.

Mr. Fukatsu seemed to feel more at ease when Mr. Shirayama was around. I heard that Mr. Shirayama also gives her advice on how to coordinate her daily clothes.

Fukatsu has been entertaining the viewers of the morning drama with her flawless acting. With her sincere attitude towards her work and the support of her partner, she will be able to perfectly play any difficult role in the future.

Fukatsu and her boyfriend, Mr. Hakusan, on a date under the same umbrella, taken in July 2006.
At the launch of the Fuji TV drama “Saiyuki” (March 2006).
Shopping at a convenience store in Tokyo, photographed in March 2004.
With her boyfriend Hakusan at a yakitori restaurant.
On the set of “CHANGE” (Fuji TV), a monthly 9 drama series, in April 2008.
On the set of the Fuji TV drama “CHANGE” (April 2008)
  • Photography Sota Shima, Shoichiro Tsuboi, Ippei Hara

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