Masahiro Nakai’s “business crisis”: He laments, “Why did I have to do this? | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Masahiro Nakai’s “business crisis”: He laments, “Why did I have to do this?

Fuji Television is adamant that they "don't know" and that he must resign from his baseball-related job, which had been the reason for his life.

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Nakai addressing a press conference on his independence in 2008; his steadfast position as an MC is now long gone. He is said to be emaciated and unable to eat.

A national star is in hiding with a “very thin and stubble” look on his face.

Why is this happening to me ……? Give me a break. ……

On January 6, late at night, “The! (NTV) late at night on January 6, Masahiro Nakai, 52, appeared at a policy meeting and bemoaned his exhaustion. The aura of a “national star” had completely vanished from his appearance, as he had lost a lot of weight and his stubble had grown uncontrollably.

Following the revelation of Nakai’s “90 million yen trouble with a woman,” a number of his regular TV programs have been postponed or cancelled, and commercials in which he appears have been replaced. The only remaining regular terrestrial program, “Sekai Ooten News,” had a meeting at the beginning of the program, and all scenes featuring Nakai were cut from the program. Nakai literally disappeared from TV.

The series of broadcast postponements and recording cancellations were apparently at Nakai’s request. All the stations are taking the stance that the next broadcast is undecided, but in effect, it is treated as a resignation, and there is little chance of his return. No sponsor would tolerate sexual trouble. Nakai seems to be mentally ill and has been moving from one apartment to another in Tokyo as if he is hiding in the clouds. I hear that he has been making more and more comments implying that he is going to retire.

Criticism is also directed at Mr. A, a senior programming executive who is said to have introduced the victim to Nakai and arranged a dinner party at Nakai’s home, as well as at Fuji Television Network, where he works.

Fuji Television has categorically denied that ‘the said employee was not involved in any way, including the setting up of the meeting,’ but there is no concrete explanation as to whether they confirmed the facts with Nakai. There are fears within the station that this may have been an act of courage to protect Mr. A, who is remembered fondly by President Koichi Minato (72)! Bakusho Hit Parade” live on air. In front of him, Hikaru Ota (59) of “Bakusho Mondai” asked, “Who is Producer A? Hieda,” and “Come out, Hieda! The onsite staff was on edge.

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