The reason why fans were surprised by Yukina Kinoshita’s “too gorgeous ozoni | FRIDAY DIGITAL

The reason why fans were surprised by Yukina Kinoshita’s “too gorgeous ozoni

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Yukina Kinoshita when this magazine interviewed her last July.

I wonder if their goal-setting will make the world go crazy this year. ……

After retiring, model Yukina Kinoshita slowly resumed her entertainment activities, but last year she officially announced her intention to do so. She has a reputation for her cooking skills, having published a cookbook in the past, and she recently published a “too gorgeous ozoni” on her SNS.

In fact, the “number” has become a bit of a hot topic.

Kinoshita’s ozoni contains carrots and shiitake mushrooms, and the bright pink sakura fu is impressive. Kinoshita also showed a picture of the table on which the ozoni was served. There are also kamaboko (fish paste) and pickles on the table. …… There are four kinds of ozoni.

I’m not sure if I’d be able to do that if I were you. And if you include Kinoshita’s portion, three ozoni should be enough. …… I wonder if the other one is for her boyfriend, who is rumored to be living with her half the time. Or is it Fujimon? The mystery only deepens.

Kinoshita wrote in her post, “My first ozoni was a great success. The rice cake we made together yesterday was exceptional. It was delicious!

More and more, I can’t take my eyes off Kinoshita. ……!

  • Photo Takayuki Ogawauchi

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