The 2025 NHK Taiga drama “Berabou ~ Tsutashige Eikan no Yumenobana ~” tells the story of the protagonist, Tsutaya Shigezaburo, played by Ryusei Yokohama, who is born in the Edo period’s Yoshiwara red-light district and lives deeply intertwined with the people of Yoshiwara.
The Yoshiwara district has also been featured in the popular anime “Demon Slayer,” highlighting the growing attention on the red-light districts since the beginning of the Reiwa era. On the other hand, it has been 66 years since the Anti-Prostitution Law was fully enforced in 1958, and this year, in October, demolition work began on the former brothel buildings in Higashioka-cho, Yamato-Koriyama City, Nara Prefecture, marking the beginning of the loss of memories of these districts.
Taking photographs of these former red-light districts, brothel areas (semi-legal prostitution zones), and blue-line districts (illegal prostitution zones) is photographer Kureniko, a specialist in photographing color districts.
“I’ve always enjoyed walking around the streets, and I’ve liked alleys that seem to have been abandoned for a long time. About four years ago, I started taking pictures of such places seriously, and when I researched the history of these locations, I found that many of them were former red-line or blue-line areas. That’s why I started photographing these color districts three years ago.”
At 52 years old, Beniko began working in the adult entertainment industry from the age of 19 to 32. She started at a pinks salon in Nishi-Kawaguchi, Saitama, and moved to Tokyo’s Yoshiwara at the age of 22. By the age of 28, she joined a popular establishment called “Picasso,” known as one of Japan’s three major soapland establishments. She worked there until she retired at 32 when she got married. Her sense of sympathy toward the old red-light districts and yūkaku (brothel areas) might have been inevitable given her past.
“I started using my current title after I began my YouTube channel. Initially, my videos were titled something like ‘History of the Yūkaku told by a former soapland worker,’ but YouTube has strict regulations, and if I used direct words, I couldn’t get ads. So, after trying different things, I ended up settling on the title ‘Shitamachi Photographer.'”
On her SNS accounts like X (formerly Twitter), she goes by the name “Former Yoshiwara Soapland worker Beniko @ Shitamachi Photographer,” which holds significant meaning for her.
“I dropped out of high school after only six months and couldn’t even properly do basic math, which led me to be unable to become a regular employee. Before I knew it, I was deeply immersed in the adult entertainment world. Back then, I was troubled and wondered why I could only be in this kind of world.
‘Not wanting to end my life regretting my past as a sex worker’ is also why I started taking photos. I believe that because of my past as a sex worker, continuing my current activities has meaning.”