Announcer Resembling Masako Natsume Causes Stir on NHK’s Election Broadcast
Who is the female announcer who looks like Masako Natsume? and “Who is the female announcer who looks like Masako Natsume?
On October 27, the day of the 50th House of Representatives Election, both NHK and commercial broadcasters were preparing early in the morning for the preliminary counting of votes.
The stations had not expected the dissolution of the House of Representatives to be so early, and were busy preparing for their special programs. It was TBS that took the backseat due to its dual coverage with the Japan Series. Some executives were relieved that Hikaru Ota of Bakusho Mondai could not go off the rails as he had last time. It is said that other stations were also struggling to get TV personalities and journalists with a political viewpoint as guests. Among the announcers, which ones were the talk of the town?
One male announcer, Koutarou Uegaki, 23, a newcomer to Fuji Television, was selected to report on the late-night vote count. He said he was ‘shaking with nervousness,’ but he remained calm throughout and did not make any mistakes in reading the names of the candidates or places.
(a cap of the political affairs department). So, who among the female announcers attracted the most attention?
NHK showed off its outstanding manpower and reporting ability. Unlike commercial broadcasters, NHK is not only accustomed to breaking news, but also has an incomparable abundance of announcer talent. Among the announcers, the one who caused a stir among the staff of other stations was Maatomo Ushida (39), who was not the main announcer, but was “standing” and reporting the ever-changing situation. Many of the older staff members asked, “Who is that woman who looks like Masako Natsume? Who is she a reporter or a female TV announcer?
It is no wonder that Ushida, who joined the station in 2009, worked at the Yamaguchi Broadcasting Station (FY’09-FY’11), then in Kyoto (FY’12-FY’14), the Tokyo Announcing Office (FY’15-FY’18), and finally at the Tokyo Broadcasting Station (FY’16-FY’17). After working at Yamaguchi Broadcasting Station (FY’09~’11), Kyoto (’12~’14), Tokyo Announcing Office (’15~’18), and Osaka (’19~July ’23), he came back to Tokyo Announcing Office in August ’23, so many staff members from other stations were not familiar with him. It seems that there were many staff members from other stations who were not familiar with him. However, there were many staff members from other stations who were unfamiliar with Ushida! I love Ushida too much. I love Ushida too much, he’s so easy to listen to.” “I’m so happy to see Ushida for the first time in a while, my parents and son are so happy,” were some of the many comments from viewers who seemed to be fans from the Osaka broadcast station.
Miss Campus at Osaka University
Anna Ushida is from Osaka and graduated from Osaka University. While in school, she was Miss Campus for the ’07 school year and has even participated in the “Miss of Miss Campus Queen Contest” to determine the best in Japan. No wonder she is especially popular in Osaka. When she was a rookie at the Yamaguchi Broadcasting Station, she was so flamboyant and prominent that she was chosen as a terrestrial digital broadcasting ambassador (terrestrial digital broadcasting promotion ambassador).
NHK’s female announcers always attract the attention of commercial executives and female announcers, and it is a wonder that Ms. Ushida was not noticed before.
Indeed, Ushida has an impressive face with slit eyes similar to Masako Natsume. She also has a beautiful figure, and her voice is rather low, giving her a cool beauty impression.
She doesn’t update it much, but she often calls out to her followers and viewers on topics related to the weather in particular. There is no doubt that she has raised her name recognition with this breaking news of the vote, so it seems certain that her picture will appear in the future in men’s weekly magazines that feature NHK’s female announcers. As a female announcer watcher, I feel both happy and sad that her existence has been exposed to the whole of Japan.
After being assigned to the Tokyo Announcing Office for the second time in August ’23, she worked on “Metropolitan Area Network” and is currently the host of “Sunday Debate. In the future, many viewers may be comforted by Ushida on Sunday mornings.