Starring in a new Netflix series in which a lover falls in love with the person who donated his organs..! Kasumi Arimura: “Why the offers keep coming in” | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Starring in a new Netflix series in which a lover falls in love with the person who donated his organs..! Kasumi Arimura: “Why the offers keep coming in”

Attending the Pusan International Film Festival in early October wearing a black dress

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Arimura on the red carpet at the Pusan International Film Festival. Flanked by Kentaro Sakaguchi (right) and Hiroshi Kurosaki, director of “Sayonara no Tsugaru

Pusan International Film Festival” for the first time in 8 years.


The autumn season has begun in Pusan, Korea, a little earlier than in Japan, and the fans’ cheers were warm despite the chilly air of 18°C (64°F).

On October 2, Kasumi Arimura (31), wearing a black dress, graced the red carpet of the Pusan International Film Festival. The Netflix series “Sayonara no Tsugaru” (to be released on November 14), in which she stars with Kentaro Sakaguchi (33), was the first Japanese film to be officially invited to the 29th Pusan International Film Festival’s “On-Screen Competition” for drama distribution.

It may seem surprising for Arimura to appear in a distribution film since she has been active in terrestrial TV dramas and movies, but this is actually not the first time she has appeared in a Netflix film.” In the movie “Chihiro-san,” which was distributed in February 2011, she plays the role of Chihiro, a former sex worker who works at a small lunch box shop. She also performed a wet scene, which became a topic of conversation among those involved.

Compared to terrestrial broadcasting, productions produced by major distribution services have more leeway in terms of production costs and production time. The fees are higher, and at the same time, more time and care can be taken in creating the roles. If a film becomes a hit, it will gain recognition overseas. It’s really killing three birds with one stone.

Kasumi-chan! (waving her hand in response to the call of “Kasumi-chan!

In addition to this film, Arimura also appeared in the film “Dear Family” and the drama series “Umi no Hajimari” (Fuji TV) this year. The movie “Hanamanma” is scheduled to be released next spring. Entertainment reporter Kaoru Shimada analyzes the reason for the endless offers : “Arimura’s acting has a unique depth.

Today’s viewers tend to get tired of performances that push emotions too hard, as was once common. Yuji Sakamoto described Arimura’s performance as ‘like being shown a magic trick that is indescribably magical.

She has the ability to move people’s hearts with her simple gestures and facial expressions. Her acting has depth, and roles of “people in difficult situations” suit her well. In the movie “Filling of the Moon,” she plays a woman who falls in love with a young university student, even though she knows it is an unforgivable love; in the drama “Umi no Hajimari,” she plays a woman who is suddenly confronted with the reality that her lover, whom she is considering marriage, has children; and in “Sayonara no Tsugi,” she skillfully plays a woman who falls in love with the deceased lover who donated his organs. In “Sayonara no Tsugi”, she plays a woman who is suddenly confronted with the reality that her lover is married and has a child.

What kind of “magic trick” will she pull off next?

On October 3, he appeared at the festival’s “Outdoor Greeting” event. She attracted fans with a different atmosphere from the previous day.
She greeted the audience in Korean, saying, “Año haseyo, Chonun Arimura Kasumi imunida” (Hello, I am Kasumi Arimura). She looked a little unsure of herself, but the audience cheered.
Despite concerns that she had “lost a lot of weight,” her silhouette in the back is as beautiful as ever.
Arimura, who participated in the festival for the first time in eight years, greeted the audience by saying, “I am happy to be here again.
She responded to a photo shoot with the “finger heart” pose familiar in Korea.
  • PHOTO Kumataro Arai

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