Meguro Ren apologizes on SNS for a series of comments that are not typical of “idols”: “I want to get married after all. | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Meguro Ren apologizes on SNS for a series of comments that are not typical of “idols”: “I want to get married after all.

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Meguro’s statement caused a stir among fans

I want to get married after all.”

Ren Meguro (27) of “Snow Man” is one of the most popular young idols in STARTO ENTERTAINMENT (formerly Johnny’s).

He played the leading role in the July drama “Umi no Hajimari” (Fuji TV), the first drama in the traditional “Geki 9” slot, and has been called “Post Takuya Kimura”. Meguro’s comments have caused a stir among fans.

It all started on the talk show “Bokura no Jidai” (Fuji TV) broadcast on September 15. In addition to Meguro, Ken Murase, the producer of the drama, and Yori Shimizu of back number, who sang the theme song “For New Lovers,” gathered for a three-person talk show.

When the topic of “marriage,” which is related to the theme of the drama, came up, Meguro revealed his true feelings, saying, “I am one person, and I want to get married.

Idols are jobs that require a “fan base,” and Meguro revealed his honest feelings, saying, “I don’t want the people who support me to feel happy only with me,” and “I don’t want to be a presence that fans would be sad if they didn’t have. I want to be a presence that people would wish they had,” he said.

Meguro, who has many fans, received a variety of opinions on the Internet. I think it’s an idol to give happiness to her fans. Some people said, ‘Idols are supposed to sell dreams, but it’s okay to have an idol who is honest like this. It’s not surprising because it’s been obvious for a long time that Meguro has a strong desire to get married and that she draws a line between herself and her fans.

Meguro’s comments were picked up by the Internet news, and fans who support other idols also posted their personal opinions on SNS. The top idol’s views on marriage attracted a lot of attention.

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