(Page 2) The Making of “Linda Color Infinity” Runner-Up of Omoshiro Sou | FRIDAY DIGITAL

The Making of “Linda Color Infinity” Runner-Up of Omoshiro Sou

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Let’s do comedy in a broader entertainment context.

–I think that Den and Taiko were doing well as a duo, appearing on “Ukemen” (Fuji Television/ irregular: Nov. ’18 – Jun. ’19, regular monthly: Aug. ’19 – ended Sept. ’20). ~I think she was doing well, appearing in “Ukemen” (Fuji Television/ irregular: Nov. ’18 – Jun. ’19, regular monthly: Aug. ’19 – Sep. ’20). Why did you decide to include Rina Pippi?

Den:We were doing well enough to have a full house at every new material live performance, but during the Corona period, we began to look at ourselves and feel that our truly unique style might be found somewhere other than the “M-1 Grand Prix” evaluation.

I love manzai, and because I had been dealing with it for so long, I felt that there was no need to be restricted by the boundaries of manzai. I had always been a “local funny guy” type, and I didn’t become a comedian by watching manzai or M-1, so I felt I was being forced into something.

Just as I was beginning to think about “doing comedy in a broader entertainment context” before becoming a comedian, I met Rinapippi at a live performance of her new material. Then I started rapping, dancing, and using other free forms of expression to create material.

Just as I was beginning to think, “Let’s do comedy in a broader entertainment context before becoming a comedian…” (Den)

(Den) — Rinapippi, what were you doing when “Ukemen” started?

Rinappi: It was right after I left Yamagata for Tokyo, so I got a job at a ramen restaurant and made ramen every day. Some days were from noon to night, some days were late at night, and when I got home, I would just go to bed. I would cut off the hot water and go to bed, cut off the hot water and go to bed, and so on (laughs). I don’t think I even heard the word “comedy.

Two years ago, I was working at a shisha shop when I went to see Linda Colour perform live, and a friend of mine was a fan of both of them and invited me. I don’t mean to be rude, but at the time I didn’t even know that there were professional or amateur comedians, and I thought it sounded really fun, so I impulsively said I wanted to join.

Taiko: I found out about it at a story meeting after a live performance. I went to a coffee shop, and a girl I didn’t know was there and said, “I’m joining today. I panicked, but I felt like I had no choice but to do it, since she had already said she was going in and we were together. Basically, Den tends to report after the fact. We have known each other since childhood, and we know each other’s personalities, so it would be a waste of time if we talked about it. So I accepted it as it was.

Den: I’m sorry (laughs). It’s amazing, isn’t it?

The story behind the birth of “Charismanzai,” Mr. Suga-chan Supreme No. 1, and Mr. Great Adventure. (Ryosei-san, Ibuku Ipponmichi) and Den’s life together, etc. can be read in the paid version [FRIDAY Subscription].

The paid version 【 FRIDAY Subscription] is here.

  • Interview and text Asahi Suzuki

    Comedy researcher and freelance editor/writer. Former band member, former broadcaster. Loves all kinds of entertainment. Published "Shimura Ken Theory" (Asahi Shinbun Publishing) in April 2021. Currently updating his personal website, "Immortal Writing Blues. http://s-akira.jp/

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