An in-depth explanation by an expert! How to see “One Fuji, Two Hawks, Three Eggplants” in your first dream | FRIDAY DIGITAL

An in-depth explanation by an expert! How to see “One Fuji, Two Hawks, Three Eggplants” in your first dream

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You can control your dreams!

The first dream of the new year is called “Hatsu-mu,” and it is said that the content of the dream you have at the beginning of the year will determine your good or bad fortune for the year. People used to say that if you put a picture of 1 Fuji, 2 Taka, 3 Eggplants under your pillow, you will have a good dream…

I’m not sure if you can have a good dream just because you put a picture under your pillow, but you can have the dream you want to have.

But it is possible to dream what you want to dream,” says Dai Takeuchi, a professor at Rissho University who studies Western occult thought. As he studied magical phenomena such as witches’ flights, transformations, and summoning of spirits, he thought that such phenomena might be deeply related to the experience of dreaming, and began to study dreams.

If you train yourself to lucid dream, you will be able to dream what you want to dream,” says Takeuchi.

Usually, when we are dreaming, we are not aware that we are dreaming. Usually, when we are dreaming, we are not aware that we are dreaming, and after waking up, we usually wonder if it was a dream. However, lucid dreaming is when you realize while dreaming that it is a dream.

In a lucid dream, the most important thing is to be aware that you are dreaming. In addition, there are other characteristics such as ‘vividness,’ ‘recall,’ and ‘control.

Vividness” literally means vividness of color. The world that appears in dreams is usually hazy. In a lucid dream, however, the world is vivid and colorful. They are so vivid and colorful that they can be mistaken for reality.

It is so real that you almost think you have actually experienced it. In early modern Europe, there were many people who were executed in witch trials because they talked about flying to fairyland and participating in feasts, but they probably had very vivid dreams.

Recall refers to the ability to cross over into the dream world and remember what happened before you went to sleep.

Control is the ability to dream what you want to dream. If you want to see Mt. Fuji, it will appear in your dream, and if you want to fly, you can dream that you are flying.

If you want to fly, you can dream of flying. Sometimes we don’t have the other three. However, I believe that they are deeply interconnected.

“If you train yourself to have lucid dreams, you will be able to dream what you want to dream.

If you train, anyone can have a ‘lucid dream’.

How do I become able to lucid dream?

Professor To be able to lucid dream reliably, you need to train.”

There are many ways to train for lucid dreaming, but the one that Takeuchi introduces as the most successful is to keep a dream diary.

When you wake up, remember as much as you can and write it down. When you wake up, try to remember as much as possible and write it down. This is called a dream sign, and if you see that sign the next time you dream, you will know it is a dream.

You can also try pressing your palm with your fingers three or four times a day while you are awake, asking yourself, “Is this a dream? If this becomes a habit, you will start to do it in your dreams as well. But in the dream, my fingers penetrate the palm of my hand. That’s when you realize you are dreaming.

Another thing is to set the alarm to wake up in about 5 hours, although it varies from person to person. 20 minutes. The other is to set an alarm to wake you up in about 5 hours, which varies from person to person, and stay awake for about 20 minutes, and then fall asleep again while imagining the rest of the dream. In addition, you can also imagine yourself watching the rest of the dream, and fall asleep while chanting in your mind, “I’m going to have a lucid dream, I’m going to have a lucid dream.

Various methods are introduced on the Internet, so please try the method that suits you best. However, please be aware that half-hearted training may lead to sleep disorders.

Was it a vivid dream when you thought you were flying?

Lucid dreaming is a natural virtual reality.

Apparently, it is difficult to see a lucid dream overnight. However, it is worth the effort, Takeuchi said.

The dream is not a spiritual phenomenon that comes from the heavens, but comes from the workings of the brain. Dreams are not spiritual phenomena, like a sign from heaven.

Kekulé, a German organic chemist, got the idea for the structure of benzene from a dream, and Pauli, who won the Nobel Prize in Physics, is said to have analyzed his own dreams with the help of Jung, a renowned psychologist, and got the inspiration for that “Exclusion Principle.

So we can get some kind of inspiration from dreams.

If it’s a message from the unconscious, why not just have a normal dream?

A lucid dream has a much higher resolution than a normal dream. I think there is a difference between observing the contents of your unconscious mind with a high resolution and without it.

I think it’s good to not just dream randomly, but to live your life with constant hints from your dreams.

And lucid dreaming is fun, says Takeuchi.

There is an attraction in a theme park where you can fly and fight a monster, and you can experience the same thing in real life. It is a natural virtual reality. It’s like being a wizard in a fantasy novel or movie.

Stephen LaBarge, a pioneer in lucid dreaming research, warns that too much lucid dreaming can lead to an inflated self-esteem, but as a person who is training to become lucid dreamers, it is still a long way off.

Let’s start training for lucid dreaming today.

Dai Takeuchi Professor, Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Letters, Rissho University. Doctor of Literature. He specializes in phenomenology and Western occultism. His major publications include “The Reality of Magical Phenomena: An Analysis of the Experiences of Suspected Witches” (Philcal, Mu), “The Significance of Tarot Reading in Eliphas Levi” (Eureka, Seidosha), and “The Question of Creation in John Dee” (Existential Thought, Ideal).

  • Interview and text by Izumi Nakagawa

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