New work with Tori Matsuzaka and sister activities… Suzu Hirose: “Overwhelming charm that brings in work” | FRIDAY DIGITAL

New work with Tori Matsuzaka and sister activities… Suzu Hirose: “Overwhelming charm that brings in work”

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Hirose and Matsuzaka waiting to be filmed at the boat pier. photo taken in October 2009

This year and next year are going to be memorable years for actress Suzu Hirose (23), who made her first appearance in a period drama in March 2009 in “Okehazama: Nobunaga Oda” (Fuji Television Network). It seems that Hirose’s rapid progress will continue in 2010.

Why is it that her work just keeps increasing? I tried to find out the secret behind it.

First of all, she is able to build a relationship of trust with her co-stars.

I caught her on the set of “Nagare no Tsuki” in October 2009. At 7 in the morning, Hirose and Matsuzaka were in a park in Tokyo where a swan boat was floating. Before the shooting started, while Matsuzaka was having a meeting with the staff with the script in his hand, Hirose ate a hamburger to prepare his stomach. They moved to the pier and listened to the director’s instructions with serious expressions. It was a complete change when they boarded the swan boat. They take turns holding the steering wheel and start rowing the boat happily. It was a friendly location shoot that showed how close they were.

Two precious shots of the sisters

After bailing lightly to the staff, the sisters came down the stairs shoulder to shoulder.

Hirose is also famous for being close to her sister Alice. Both of the Hirose sisters are heavily involved in dramas, movies, and commercials. Not a day goes by that we don’t see them on TV. The close relationship between the two sisters is one of the factors that make her a national actress.

It was in the late afternoon of May 2006 that I saw these two of Japan’s busiest beautiful sisters on the streets of Shibuya, Tokyo. They were at an exhibition of the British shoe brand Dr. Martens. They seemed to have taken a break from their work to meet up with each other at the venue.

With a top idol in Chinatown

Sakurai in a three-piece suit and Hirose in a bright blue outfit. They drew a lot of attention from the people around them. Photo taken in April this year.

In April 2009, she was caught with Sho Sakurai in Yokohama’s Chinatown. They were filming for the drama “Nemesis” (NTV) that was airing at the time. Sakurai’s decisive suit appearance and Hirose’s bright blue unique fashion were impressive. In the end, no matter who the other person is, she shows her presence while making the other person stand out – that is the greatest appeal of Hirose.

On the set and in her private life, Hirose shows her full aura. It’s no wonder she keeps getting offers.

Hirose and Tori Matsuzaka. We spotted them filming a movie at Senzoku Pond. Taken in October this year.
  • Photography Yusuke Kondo

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