The background of Yukina Kinoshita’s anger over “legal action” against slander | FRIDAY DIGITAL

The background of Yukina Kinoshita’s anger over “legal action” against slander

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Yukina Kinoshita has many antagonists. I’m sure you’ve heard of it.

There’s a difference between criticism and slander, so please don’t misunderstand that.
You’re a murderer.

On December 20, Yukina Kinoshita, who has resumed her entertainment activities, posted a video on her official YouTube channel to complain about slander against her.

The “tapioca fiasco” led to Kinoshita’s suspension from her career and her subsequent resignation from the agency. The DM she sent to the owner of a tapioca store was exposed, and the public’s criticism of her has become stronger.

The store sued for 10 million yen in damages for mental anguish, and Kinoshita was ordered to pay 400,000 yen by the district court in October this year.

Kinoshita was very fond of Hana Kimura, who appeared on the love reality show “Terrace House” (Fuji TV). Noting that Kimura took her own life last May after suffering from slander, Kinoshita said to the antagonist

“I’m sorry, but what you’re doing is really killing people.

I’m sorry, but what you’re doing is really killing people. And the DMs sent to Kinoshita.

Your existence is a nuisance to both the children and the people around you, so get lost.

I’m not sure if I should disappear or not.

I feel like I should disappear.

He said. However, she can’t forgive the antagonists and keeps screenshots of those DMs, waiting for the right moment.

I’m really going to take ‘legal action. I really should take ‘legal action,’ because there are things you can say and things you can’t say. As a result, some people have died. So I think we need to make some changes.

I really don’t want to be told what to do by people who don’t even show their names or faces.

“I really don’t want to be told by people like that, whose names and faces I haven’t seen.

I don’t want to be told off by people like that who don’t show their names or faces.” Kinoshita’s “legal action” probably meant legal “action. Incidentally, at the time of the threat DM sent to the tapioca store owner

The lawyer is made, and legal treatment, since it can do as much as it wants, depending on how it comes out from now on, this one does it with the whole office, too.

Because it was written “legal processing” here, it seems to have approached a correct answer a little.

In the event that you have any questions regarding where and how to use the site, please do not hesitate to contact us. It’s a boomerang.

In short, Mr. Kinoshita doesn’t have a particularly interesting story like a comedian, so it would be difficult for him to continue making interesting videos on YouTube. Of course, the purpose of this is to sound the alarm, but behind this kind of statement, it may be that he is quickly running out of material on YouTube” (sports newspaper reporter).

The other day, the owner said, “I’m going to raise the fee.

The other day, the owners said, “We’ve been trying to raise our fees.
The other day, the owners revealed that they had been threatened by a person involved.

This is the first time I’ve ever seen such a thing.

Hiroyuki Miyasako calls his antagonists “Mr. Charin” and uses them to boost his YouTube views, and TKO Takayuki Kinoshita and Yutabon also use their antagonists to their advantage. In a sense, Takayuki TKO Kinoshita and Yutabon seem to be taking advantage of their antagonists to get more views on YouTube. Kinoshita’s anger is justified, but in the world of the Internet, where the more you say, the more antagonists there are, I wonder if there is a good place to land…

  • PHOTO Keisuke Nishi

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