Still living a life centered on muscle training… “YouTube expansion theory” surfaces for Hitoshi Matsumoto, who is currently on trial. | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Still living a life centered on muscle training… “YouTube expansion theory” surfaces for Hitoshi Matsumoto, who is currently on trial.

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The trial also began, but Matsumoto did not attend the first oral argument. Although he has completely disappeared from the public eye…

Six months have passed since the first report in Shukan Bunshun (Weekly Bunshun) about alleged sexual assault by Matsumoto Hitoshi (60), and the trial between Bungeishunju and Matsumoto started in March. Both sides are now preparing for the second oral argument.

Matsumoto has suspended his entertainment activities and has disappeared from the public eye, but what kind of life is he leading now? A source in the entertainment business reveals.

Matsumoto’s life is the same as it was before the riot. He is working hard on muscle training and leading a regular life. Thanks to that, I hear that his body shape has hardly changed at all. His partner, Hamada (Masanori, 61), has also openly told people around him that he is waiting for Matsumoto’s return. Although he is on hiatus, I am sure that Matsumoto is aware of this so that he will be ready to be seen by the public at any time.

Matsumoto’s desire to return has not changed, but on the other hand, as the period of inactivity has dragged on, a rift has developed between his awareness and that of those around him. At Yoshimoto Kogyo, Matsumoto’s agency, a “certain idea” is taking root, including in the upper management.

The trial is likely to be protracted, and most people in the company believe that even if the case is settled, it will be impossible to restore Matsumoto’s image. Matsumoto’s influence at Yoshimoto Kogyo, including his past contributions, will not change. However, whether he will be able to return to the public stage is another matter. Frankly speaking, the reality is that it will be tough for him to come back. (Another mid-level employee of an entertainment company)

Matsumoto himself seems to have noticed such a gap with his surroundings.

The difference in temperature with the office is being felt by Mr. Matsumoto. The office is concerned that Mr. Matsumoto will ignore the wishes of the office and seek opportunities to speak out on YouTube and other media. He even tried to force an appearance on the ‘Wide Nasho’ immediately after the riot. There is no doubt that Mr. Matsumoto has a lot to say, but moving his base of activities to YouTube of course entails risks.

When we think of debuting on YouTube while on hiatus, the first person that comes to mind is Hiroyuki Miyasako (54), who made his debut during the “Yami Bussiness Problem.” Although he has gained popularity on YouTube and is active in various fields, including the yakiniku restaurant Gyugujou, he has yet to make a return to terrestrial broadcasting.

A mid-level employee of an entertainment company noted, “Activities on YouTube may be a detour from a return to terrestrial broadcasting. Yoshimoto’s staff fears this risk, but on the other hand, there are some who welcome the idea.

Looking at the past scandalous celebrities, there have been many cases in which their YouTube activities have detoured their return to the public eye. There is a great deal of concern among Yoshimoto’s staff about this. However, because of ……, there is a part of us that wants to advance to YouTube. Because of this, they can create a ‘cause that they can’t push for his return’ as an office.

Since Mr. Matsumoto’s disappearance from TV, junior comedians, led by “Chidori,” have been filling the void. There have been few programs that have suffered a significant drop in viewer ratings, and some people in the industry even consider it a generational shift. On the one hand, there are those who would like to see Mr. Matsumoto’s return, but on the other hand, there are those who say, “I am afraid to see how he has changed.

Various speculations are being mixed up over Matsumoto’s alleged sexual assault. What is its whereabouts? ……

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