70-Year-Old Jackie Chan Visits Japan for Film PR, “Action Star’s Body in Shape” Slips past Ardent Fans | FRIDAY DIGITAL

70-Year-Old Jackie Chan Visits Japan for Film PR, “Action Star’s Body in Shape” Slips past Ardent Fans

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Jackie Chan smiles despite being jostled by fans

Thank you, thank you, thank you! Thank you!

In mid-June, a crowd of people gathered in front of a commercial facility in Yurakucho (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo). At the center of the crowd was a man in black-rimmed glasses who was shouting loudly and expressing his gratitude. He is Jackie Chan, the Asian superstar.

Jackie was in Japan for the first time in 13 years to promote his latest starring film, “Ride On,” which premiered on May 31. It is the culmination of his 50th anniversary and 70th year since his debut. As you know, Jackie has performed all the action scenes in his previous films without any stunts.

The fact that he is playing a stuntman at the age of 70 is astounding. His visit to Japan this time was decided only a few days before, as he wanted to meet his Japanese fans.

Moreover, since this was the only overseas promotion for the film, a large number of enthusiastic fans were waiting for him.

As soon as he appeared at the commercial facility where the movie theater is located for the stage greeting, the fans rushed in with loud cheers. Even the officials surrounding Jackie were almost crushed by the crowd. He wears dark glasses and has a seven-triplet hair parting, and his face is deeply wrinkled. Jackie looked like an “old man,” but he still had the physical sharpness that has made him a world-famous action star.

Smiling from start to finish, Jackie slid smoothly through the crowd, and on her way to the venue, she accepted a tea envelope handed to her by a fan as she rushed into the venue. After Jackie left, fans were still in a festive mood, happy to see each other again after 13 years.

At the promotional event, after the screening, Jackie took the stage and said, “It’s been a while! Have you seen the movie? Did you see the movie? and sang the theme song with the help of the interpreter’s microphone. Some fans were so moved that they began to cry, and the event was a great success.

(Sports newspaper reporter) “We hope that he will come to Japan again for his next film and make the Japanese fans excited again.

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Jackie Chan has a gift in his hand from a fan.
Jackie Chan making a gesture of “Easy, easy, easy…”.
The scene was chaotic, but Jackie Chan was in a good mood and had a smile on his face from start to finish.

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