From Intense Bed Scenes with the Legendary Yusaku Matsuda to a Turbulent Life of Actress Jun Fubuki | FRIDAY DIGITAL

From Intense Bed Scenes with the Legendary Yusaku Matsuda to a Turbulent Life of Actress Jun Fubuki

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From troubles surrounding office transfers to a major uproar involving gang members and lyricist Nakanishi Rei and others. 

Currently, Jun Fubuki, who is appearing in the drama “1122” streaming on Amazon Prime, is taking on roles as a mother and grandmother, further honing her natural acting skills. Despite her calm appearance, Fubuki’s life thus far has been tumultuous.

Born on May 12, 1952, in Toyama Prefecture, Fubuki’s parents divorced when she was 11 years old. She lived with her mother and three-year-older brother, but her mother abandoned them when she entered junior high school. According to relatives in Kyoto, her brother worked in a factory, and they lived in a house sublet by company employees (“AERA December 10, 2001”), abandoning her high school education. At the age of 18, she moved to Tokyo and while working at a club, she was scouted. By the time she was 21, she was chosen as the first-ever Unitika mascot girl, instantly attracting attention.

Jun Fubuki was chosen as the first Unitika mascot girl at the age of 21, instantly attracting attention (PHOTO: Aflo).

She also made her debut as a singer and gained popularity as an idol. However, in 1974, a scandal erupted involving trouble with her agency transfer, embroiling agency officials, members of the underworld, and lyricist  Rei Nakanishi. It escalated into a major incident where Fubuki was reported kidnapped and confined, leading to a scene where “20 police cars and 50 officers crowded around, urgently protecting her as the heroine of a large-scale ‘kidnapping incident'” (Weekly Asahi October 13, 1974). Following this, Fubuki’s side accused Nakashi of confinement, coercion, robbery, and assault, while Nakashi’s side retaliated with accusations of defamation and false charges, stating, “Our social credibility has also been damaged, and we will consult with lawyers to sue for defamation and false accusation” (Weekly Asahi October 13, 1974).

The incident proved fatal to her career as an idol, but it served as a turning point for her acting career. She shifted focus to acting and appeared in dramas like “Terauchi Kantaro Family Part 2” (TBS), earning critical acclaim. One of her enduring legacies is the bed scene she played with Yūsaku Matsuda in the 1979 film “The Resurrection of the Golden Wolf,” where she exhibited full nudity and performed intense intimate scenes, garnering attention and demonstrating her determination and courage towards her work.


Jun Fubuki received numerous awards including the Japan Academy Award and the Blue Ribbon Award.

While establishing her position as an actress, Jun Fubuki faced another major issue in her personal life. In 1981, she married spatial and music producer Shoro Kawazoe. Kawazoe is the descendant of Meiji era statesman Shojiro Goto, and his parents were owners of the legendary Italian restaurant “Chianti” in Tokyo’s Iidabashi (at the time). In 1984, their eldest daughter was born, followed by a son in 1986, and Fubuki’s nurturing motherhood was often reported. However, her husband’s infidelity was exposed. The other woman was reportedly the model for Mariko Hayashi’s novel “Akko-chan’s Era” and had also been a former lover of “Emperor of Land Speculation” Taikichi Hayasaka.

Jun Fubuki also found herself in the midst of controversy at “Chianti,” where she confronted her husband and a young woman. According to reports, “Fubuki came out with a young woman in tow from her car. Apparently, the young woman had been forced into Fubuki’s car and was thoroughly berated inside. She said it was really scary, like ‘What do you think you’re doing!?’ (Bisho ’91 April 13 issue).” This incident escalated further. Later, it was revealed that the woman was pregnant with Kawazoe’s child. Fubuki divorced him in 1992.

Could scandal become her tailwind? In 1991, amidst the turmoil, she received acclaim for her performance in director Naoto Takenaka’s film “Incompetent Person,” winning the Japan Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress and the Blue Ribbon Award for Best Supporting Actress. Further accolades followed with her winning the Hochi Film Award for Best Leading Actress for the 1999 film “Cocoon,” and her performance in the 2007 film “Soul Burn!” was also praised, solidifying her position as an actress.

Even after turning 50, her private life, including relationships with younger men, has been reported, such as in “Burning Fingers! A Night Like ‘Kill Bill’ with a Younger Man” (Josei Seven, June 10, 2004) and “Soothing Love with a Younger Lover” (Josei Seven, December 24, 2015). Now a grandmother, Fubuki enjoys a fulfilled personal life. Having overcome challenging environments and scandals to rise in the entertainment industry, her stable happiness now may deepen her acting prowess even further.

  • Interview and text by Diesuke Takahashi

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