Tokyo Governor Candidate Storms Renho Murata’s Speech, Intimidates Attendees | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Tokyo Governor Candidate Storms Renho Murata’s Speech, Intimidates Attendees

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When the magazine reporter pointed the camera at him, Mr. Kobayashi responded with a peace sign.

On June 9th, in front of JR Asagaya Station, tension ran through the audience as a man holding a microphone ran towards Renho Murata, who was announcing her candidacy for Tokyo Governor, shouting her name. 

Amid angry shouts from the audience telling the man who suddenly yelled, “Shut up. Can’t you hear?” he continued gripping the microphone. Members of the Constitutional Democratic Party and staff surrounded the man.

“Don’t interfere,”

The man pushed the shoulder of the Tokyo assemblyman, who stood in the way, with his He pushed aside a Metropolitan Assembly member blocking his way with his right hand, prompting the pushed member to shout, “Assault! Call the police!” Responding swiftly, a nearby police officer rushed to the scene.

“This is election interference. I’m also a candidate for Tokyo Governor,” he declared.

The man’s name is Hiroshi Kobayashi (49), and he runs a construction-related business as a president. Kobayashi seems to lack understanding of the Public Offices Election Act, as he casually attempted activities that could violate the prohibition on “pre-election campaigning” before the election announcement.

He also tried to wear a sash with his name on it. His actions clearly indicate that he is a “candidate in the election,” which could easily breach the prohibition on pre-election campaigning, as he seems unaware that such sashes can only be used during the official campaign period.

“I got permission from the police.”

Mr. Kobayashi repeated this, intending to deliver a speech, but quieted down when a plainclothes police officer whispered to him.

Renho Murata’s street speech itself has been pointed out as pre-campaigning. After her speech, she repeatedly countered in the subsequent press conference, “These are political activities,” managing to evade trouble.

In April, during the Tokyo 15th District House of Representatives by-election, three people, including Atsuhiko Kurokawa, the leader of the political group “Tsubasa no Kai,” were arrested on suspicion of violating the Public Offices Election Act.

On the announcement day, April 16th, at JR Kameido Station, when Governor Yuriko Koike (71) and candidate Hirotada Ototake (48) were giving speeches, someone stood up on top of a phone booth and shouted angrily at Koike, demanding an explanation for alleged academic deception, while also directing insults at Ototake for alleged multiple romantic relationships. There were allegations of disruptions to their speeches. It seems certain that Kurokawa will be arrested for a third time, so it appears he will run for governor from jail

Leading candidates’ campaigns were troubled that similar disruptions might occur during the Tokyo gubernatorial election. Against this backdrop, tensions ran high amid concerns that the incident might be linked to remnants of the Tsubasa Party.

Mr. Kobayashi denied any connection with the Tsubasa Party and reiterated that he is neither a YouTuber nor an imitator, stating:

“When I planned to give a speech in Koenji, I heard that Renho Murata was coming to Asagaya. I thought it was a chance for even an unknown person like me to be heard, so I came here.”

When asked by reporters about his sash and the procedures related to candidacy, Mr. Kobayashi proudly responded:


“When I had the sash made, I mentioned today’s events, but I didn’t receive any special warnings. I don’t really understand that (Public Offices Election Act).

“I raised the deposit of 3 million yen and campaign expenses by going to consumer finance companies. I got 2 million yen from SBI Mobit, and 50,000 yen each from Acom, Aiful, and Promise. Recently, I paid 15 million yen with American Express for cabaret clubs and girls’ bar payments, and I don’t have money. I’m a well-known figure in the nightlife industry.”

His reason for running is because “Ishimaru stood for election.” He appears to view Shunji Ishimaru, the popular mayor of Akitakata City, Hiroshima Prefecture, who is popular on social media, as a rival, saying, “People in Hiroshima shouldn’t talk about Tokyo’s politics. I’ve been working hard in construction in Tokyo since I came from Niigata.” He also explained his reason for running further.

“Friends have always told me I could be Prime Minister. I’ll become Prime Minister in five years. Before that, I should at least become Tokyo Governor. The deposit should be reduced to 300 yen. Even if talented people want to run, they can’t. If I become Governor, I’ll reduce it to 300 yen.”


Shouldn’t you become a member of parliament if you want to become Prime Minister? Despite plainclothes police officers standing right beside him, Mr. Kobayashi turned to Keita Nishizawa, a member of Tokyo’s assembly, and started to threaten him with killing.


After Renho Murata left the station, Mr. Kobayashi gave a speech, but the audience was sparse. If you want people to listen to you, you should avoid rough behavior.

The actual actions for obstructing the speech of Mr. Ototake’s election.
Mr. Kobayashi giving a speech
Mr. Kurokawa making a commotion on top of a public phone booth
  • Interview, text, and photos Daisuke Iwasaki (2nd, 3rd, and 4th pictures)

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