Influencer Boasts Celebrity Connections Amid Arrest of Nagoya’s Color Gang Legend Leader | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Influencer Boasts Celebrity Connections Amid Arrest of Nagoya’s Color Gang Legend Leader

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The color gang ‘Lucifers’ had Nagoya’s Sakae district as their base of operations.

On New Year’s Day, Aichi Prefectural Police arrested seven men aged 20 to 51, including self-employed suspect Daisaku Odagiri (46) from Nagoya, on suspicion of assault for collectively attacking and injuring two men in their twenties who visited Atsuta Shrine in Nagoya for their first shrine visit.

“They surrounded the two men and caused injuries by kicking them in the waist. Suspect Odagiri is believed to be the leader of the delinquent group, and police are investigating whether members of the group are involved in a series of group assault incidents in Nagoya’s downtown area.” (Local TV station reporter)”

It seems that Odagiri was quite a famous figure in Nagoya.

“He was the legendary leader of the most notorious gang group ‘Lucifers,’ which boasted a significant presence in the 1990s. ‘Lucifers,’ formed by around 30 members who had graduated from motorcycle gangs under Odagiri’s leadership, operated from the downtown Sakae district as their base. They dominated other delinquent groups through conflicts, growing to over 1,000 members within a year of their formation.

Odagiri was frequently arrested by the police and spent most of his twenties in prison. After his release, he ran a construction sheet metal business while continuing to gather and act with members who admired him. He also appeared multiple times on outlaw-themed YouTube channels, recounting tales of his exploits as a legendary leader and gaining popularity.” (Outlaw-themed magazine editor)

He also engaged in volunteer activities such as supporting Nagoya’s street-dwelling population, aiming to portray his group as a family-oriented one, but unfortunately, incidents like these occurred. In interviews, suspect Odagiri spoke unapologetically about his past wrongdoings. Apart from inter-group conflicts, it’s been reported that they conducted purse-snatching operations, including stealing luxury Rolex watches from hosts and catchers in the Sakae district.

“I could get anything I wanted in this city. If I thought I wanted someone’s clothes, I’d just say to take it off, and everyone would strip.”

That’s their modus operandi, straight out of a gangster movie.

“We were all known for stabbing people. I always had dozens of knives on me. If someone pissed me off at a club or somewhere, I’d stab them right away.”

He also possessed a violent streak. With a membership of 1,000 people, his network extended into the entertainment industry. Regarding a certain handsome actor who belonged to Odagiri’s group,

“He wasn’t talkative like on TV. He had a really nice voice.”

And regarding a certain actress who was also said to be a member,

“She used to date one of our crew. I only had the image of her as a Yankee.”

He disclosed such details with laughter.

“Odagiri, with his charismatic persona showcased through witty talks on platforms like YouTube, had gained popularity by narrating tales of his exploits. Influenced by social media, there was an increase in aspiring members eager to join Lucifers, prompting heightened vigilance from the police,” stated the aforementioned local TV station reporter.

Investigations will now proceed to uncover the true extent of the group’s activities, including any outstanding offenses. It would have been preferable if his legacy had ended with his past tales of bravery as a legendary leader.

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