Hiroyuki Miyasako’s “no-show” appearance on terrestrial TV after 5 years in the spotlight reveals “the lingering effects of ‘criticism of Yoshimoto'”. | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Hiroyuki Miyasako’s “no-show” appearance on terrestrial TV after 5 years in the spotlight reveals “the lingering effects of ‘criticism of Yoshimoto'”.

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Former “Ameagari Kesshitai” Hiroyuki Miyasako withdraws announcement that he will appear on terrestrial television for the first time in five years

A number of people are concerned about Hiroyuki Miyasako, a former member of the “Ameagari Kesshitai” and YouTube star.

Miyasako was scheduled to return to terrestrial broadcasting for the first time in five years, but a corner of a variety show has been “cancelled.

Miyasako was scheduled to appear in the “Takumi no Kyoshitsu” corner of “Diamond☆Collection,” an information variety show broadcast on Chiba TV. The recording took place in Tokyo this spring.

The production company in charge of the “Takumi no Kyoshitsu” corner sent an offer to Mr. Miyasako, who immediately said yes. Even though it would be a local TV corner, it would be his first return to terrestrial broadcasting since the black market scandal of 2007. No matter how low the fee, I think Mr. Miyasako was eager to go ahead with the project.

Miyasako reported his appearance on the program in a video released on May 28.

In a video released on May 28, Miyasako reported that he had received an offer from a local TV station in the past, but later lost the offer due to adult circumstances that arose. I’ve had quite a few cases where I was rejected after being “confessed,” but this time, the decision to appear on the program was made smoothly,” she said in a good mood.

But this time, the decision was made smoothly,” he said in a good mood.

However, things took a sudden turn. The station had not been told by the “Takumi no Kyoshitsu” production company that Miyasako would appear in the program, and the program was recorded without any room for consideration of whether he would appear or not. A source at another TV station adds, “The station had no way to confirm Miyasako’s appearance on terrestrial TV before the station did.

It is bad enough that the “Takumi no Kyoshitsu” side did not inform Chiba TV of the casting in advance, but there are many cases in this industry where the show is recorded ahead of time in an unforseen way. The show has also featured Seiji Chihara and TKO Takehiro Kimoto, who was reportedly in financial trouble. I don’t think the station expected to have any difficulty in using a “big name” like Miyasako for the show.

Miyasako’s announcement on YouTube that he was going to appear on the show before the station did was even worse. Chiba Television immediately decided to put the program on hold.

Miyasako’s return to terrestrial broadcasting was now even more distant. One would think that the problem of under-the-covers business would have lingered to such an extent, but the truth of the matter is somewhat different. According to a person involved in the comedy industry.

In Miyasako’s case, the decisive factor was that he held a press conference on his own initiative afterwards with Ryo of Romboo in tow, rather than the black market itself. When Mr. Miyasako repeatedly criticized Yoshimoto at the press conference, President Akihiko Okamoto and former Chairman Hiroshi Osaki were furious, saying, ‘We will never forgive him alone.

The TV industry would not exist without Yoshimoto. That is why all the stations, aware of Yoshimoto’s “atmosphere” toward Mr. Miyasako, have decided in principle not to use him in their programs.

Miyasako himself is well aware of the position he is in and has tried to apologize to Yoshimoto’s upper management at every opportunity, but has yet to do so.

Miyasako’s damage is considerable because Chiba Television has also “recognized” him as a “known quantity.

Miyasako is not the type of person who can take a beating. When he gets stressed out, he turns to alcohol, and his health sometimes deteriorates. He once caused a stir when he appeared on a TV program with a swollen face caused by alcohol.

This case is the most shocking for Mr. Miyasako under the circumstances. I am worried about his mental state.

The station may have taken the announcement as a “flurry of activity,” but the production company’s mishandling of the situation was the beginning of the whole thing. Some in the industry are expressing sympathy for Miyasako.

After all, it seems that all the gears went haywire because of the mismanagement of the black market problem. ……

  • PHOTO Yasuko Sakaguchi

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