Is Michopa Worried? Gift-giving “Gift Harassment” may become a social problem | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Is Michopa Worried? Gift-giving “Gift Harassment” may become a social problem

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Hidetaka Kano (left) and Michisupa (right) appeared at a LINE gift event. She was talking about the difficulty of giving gifts…

Many annoying behaviors such as power harassment, sexual harassment, and alcohol harassment have been recognized as harassment in the past few years.

A new word that may be added to this list is ‘gift harassment’. It is gift harassment.

At the moment, there is a TV commercial for Line Gift starring the TV personalities Hidetaka Kano and Miyu Ikeda, aka Michisupa, that is being aired a lot during the Christmas season.

Of course, neither Kano nor Michisupa is at fault in any way, but some people seem to feel uneasy about this act of “sending a gift”…

I received a gift. I received a gift from someone I don’t know very well. It’s hell to receive a gift and hell not to receive a gift. I understand that it’s a good service in some respects, but I don’t like receiving one-sided gifts like this.

That’s what a female director in her 30s who works for a TV program production company told me.

Here’s a brief explanation of LINE Gift: it’s a service that allows you to send gifts to people you’re connected to via LINE, and the revolutionary part is that you don’t even need to know the recipient’s address.

Michopa, who attended the announcement of the LINE Gift commercial, explained the following, “I found out a cool way to use it on Twitter.

She explained, “When I’m meeting up with a friend and I’m running late, I send him a Starbucks drink ticket and tell him to drink it and wait for me. I want to try it because it’s really cool.”

It’s certainly a smart and stylish gift.

For close friends like this, LINE gifting can be very useful. However, what if you are not so close? This is exactly what the director in her 30s was worried about.

When you receive a LINE Gift from the sender, you need to give your address to the management company if you want to receive it (in the case of products that need to be sent). The recipient will not know your address, but they will receive the goods. What if it comes from a business partner you don’t know very well, or a boss you don’t like?

It’s hell to receive it, and hell not to receive it. That’s exactly what “giffhara” means.

A director in his 30s was forced to choose between two options. Either send the address and receive it, or leave it as it is and not receive it. He feared that by not receiving it, the relationship between the sender and the receiver would definitely be strained.

I wish I could say, “I have this” or “I don’t really like this…” I also don’t want to receive a gift that is too expensive.

Actually, Michopa also made a comment that was a bit worrisome.

At the press conference, she and Kano-san practiced giving each other gifts. Michopa gave Kano-san a beer (which he enjoyed), and Kano-san gave her an ocarina.

She was surprised and said, “No way!

Michopa said in surprise.

I don’t have one, so I’m happy.
I don’t buy them myself.

I don’t have one.

However, one of the aspects of this service is that there is a possibility that you will receive a gift that you would not buy yourself, in other words, something that you do not want.

Michopa later said

“If I received this from my boss at work, I would be like, ‘What the hell is this? I’d be like, “What the hell is this?

She said with a laugh. This is a comment that sharply points out the possibility of “Gift Harassment”.

The difficulty of gift-giving is that not everything can be given as a gift. If the middle-aged and older male generation, who don’t understand this and have never given gifts before, realize the convenience of LINE gifts, it’s no wonder that situations similar to the aforementioned “gift harassment” occur frequently.

Unlike seasonal gifts such as year-end gifts, mid-year gifts, and birthdays, small everyday gifts test the sense of the giver. I hope “Gift Harassment” will not become a social problem. ……

  • Text Watabe Wataru

    After working as a desk clerk for the culture department of an evening newspaper, an editorial staff member at a publishing company, and a copywriter, Watabe became a freelance entertainment writer. Covers all aspects of the performing arts, including movies, theater, entertainment, and music. He also writes undercover as a ghostwriter for talent books and other publications.

  • Photo: Yoshio Tsunoda/Afro Yoshio Tsunoda/Afro

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