Ninomiya and Matsujun Shine as Big Names Lag in Potential Viewer Ratings for 32 Former Johnny’s Stars | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Ninomiya and Matsujun Shine as Big Names Lag in Potential Viewer Ratings for 32 Former Johnny’s Stars

We obtained top-secret data calculated by a major TV station! Even after the suspension, "Arashi" is still strong, with Ryosuke Yamada and Shiyoh Hirano as the most popular, while Kim Taku is ......

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No.1] Kazunari Ninomiya won two awards in the overall male and female demographic and in the core demographic. There is no sign of headwinds for this man even after his independence from “SMILE-UP.

On April 10, “STARTO ENTERTAINMENT” was fully launched. Even though his former agency was hit by a scandal that was even called “the biggest sex crime of the postwar era,” popular former Johnny’s talents continue to be used by TV stations as before. So, how do TV stations determine which talents really get the numbers? One indicator is “potential viewership ratings.

Potential viewer ratings are based on past viewer rating data and audience surveys, and are quantified based on each TV station’s own projections of the viewer ratings that the talent will earn by appearing in variety shows and TV dramas. The figures are available to executives at commercial key stations and persons in charge at major advertising agencies, and the recent talent fees are calculated based on the potential viewer ratings,” said a source at a key station.

(A source at a key station) For TV personalities, this is a very important figure for assessing their own value. This time, FRIDAY obtained the potential viewer ratings of 32 former Johnny’s talents calculated by major TV stations and created a ranking. Since the data was derived based on a one-year period from April 2011 to April of this year, the current value of the talents was truly expressed in the data.

Based on these figures, let’s take a look at the bright and dark sides of the national idols that once dominated the scene, as well as the new generation of talent that is on the rise.

Arashi” is the dominant force in this age of popularity

Although the popularity trend is on the decline, the members of “Arashi,” which went on hiatus in 2008, dominate the top spots among both men and women (10-69) in addition to the core group (men and women aged 13-49), which is considered the most important segment for TV stations. Kazuya Ninomiya (40), who recently showed his presence in “VIVANT” (TBS) and “Dareka to Nakai” (Fuji TV), won two awards, one for men and women as a whole and one for the core group. Matsumoto Jun (40), who has not been exposed since his role in NHK’s “What to Do About Ieyasu,” also achieved a high figure of 8% (3rd place) among all male and female viewers.

The fans of “Arashi” are called “Arasic,” which is a play on the word “sick,” and I think that’s how dependent they are on the TV show. Although they are generally less exposed than before, that is why viewers react to them even if they are not fans when they appear on TV. As a result, it has a big impact on viewer ratings.

A TV Asahi official had this to say about the four members of “Arashi.

Each member of ‘Arashi’ has very high variety skills. Each member of ‘Arashi’ has very high variety skills, and they are able to make witty comments and sometimes even get physical, which is very helpful from the production side. The fact that the four members do not share the same characters within the group is another reason why they dominate the top ranks.

On the other hand, “SMAP,” which, like “Arashi,” had graced the TV screen as a national idol, had a mixed result. Masahiro Nakai (51), who continues to reign as MC for variety and wide variety shows, ranked 5th for both men and women overall and among the core group. On the other hand, the three members of “New Map” were sluggish, with Takuya Kimura (51) coming in at a shockingly low 28th place for men and women overall, 29th for the core group, and 32nd for the F1 group (women aged 20 to 34).

Another key station programming manager analyzed Kimura’s numbers as follows.

Kimura was certainly the king of viewership ratings when he was appearing in “Long Vacation” (Fuji TV) and other programs. However, last year, his only TV exposure was in “Kimochika Kazama – Kyobo 0-” (Fuji TV), and he has also dropped out of commercials. Since the general audience is influenced by the number of exposures, the potential viewership ratings must have also declined.

No. 3] Jun Matsumoto Although his media exposure has decreased since “What to do about Ieyasu,” he continued to show off his high viewership ratings in the rankings.
No. 4] Sho Sakurai He has been on a roll this year as a newscaster, drama star, and variety show MC. As long as this man is around, Arashi’s stronghold is unlikely to fall.
Nakai Masahiro has many regular programs even after the breakup of SMAP. In contrast to the other four, Nakai reigns supreme in the ranking.
Takuya Kimura, once the king of viewer ratings, is now at the bottom of the F1 tier. Will he regain his honor with a new drama in which he plays the lead role?

A New Generation on the Rise

With the charismatic fall from grace, a new generation of artists such as Ryosuke Yamada (30) and Shoh Hirano (27) are rising to prominence.

Yamada has a large number of fixed fans, as evidenced by the fact that he is ranked No. 1 in the F1 tier. She also has the acting ability to play the lead in a series of dramas. His high ranking is probably due to his conspicuous activities during the survey period, such as his appearance in a commercial for “Blue Rock” last year.
As for Hirano, his first single after becoming “Number_i” sold nearly 500,000 copies despite being released only on “TOBE’s” own website. Having big, tangible numbers makes it easier for TV stations to use him. He has also been a billboard for Yves Saint Laurent and Louis Vuitton, and he has been upgraded in the industry. I feel that TOBE is selling him well.

This March, “KinKi Kids’ Boom Boom” (Fuji TV), which lasted for about 10 years, came to an end, and Tsuyoshi Domoto (45) left “SMILE-UP.” in the same month, but Kinki’s potential viewer ratings are showing high values.

Many viewers have voiced their desire for a new Kinki crown program. Their talk ability is often regarded as the best among the former Johnny’s, and they have a good relationship, so it is easy for the station to use them, which is reflected in the potential viewer ratings.

Yamashita Tomohisa (39), who ranked 13th for both men and women, is expected to grow in the future.

He is expected to grow in the future. “After completing his overseas challenge, he has peeled off his skin as a TV personality. He has utilized the acting skills he developed during this period, and “Honest Fudosan” (NHK), in which he played the lead role, received high acclaim in the industry. The results are firmly reflected in potential viewer ratings. This season’s “Blue Moment” (Fuji TV) is also attracting a lot of attention, and we expect to see more exposure in the future. I am sure that the potential viewer ratings will increase accordingly.

Takahiko Kageyama, a professor of media creation at Doshisha Women’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, had this to say about the future of the former Johnny’s talents, who are still valued by the production side: “Up to now, the former Johnny’s have been competing with each other.

Up to now, the former Johnny’s has been moving to exclude talent from competing companies. We hope that the relationship with other agencies and the media will be normalized. Their fans are not all concerned with the name ‘Johnny’s’ either. Even if they change their name to “STARTO,” they still have the same appeal to gain support.

Veterans are divided into two groups: the veterans and the new generation, which is gaining momentum. Now that the old system has collapsed, a fair and fierce competition for viewer ratings has begun.

Yamada, who has been gaining more and more dignity as an actor in recent years, is ranked No. 1 in the F1 group. His popularity trend is rapidly rising, and he will likely continue to move up in the rankings.
Shiyoh Hirano: This man is regarded as “the most promising former Janitorial talent. We expect him to make a great leap forward as a signboard for TOBE.
Although it was feared for a while that Kinki would disintegrate in mid-air, it has achieved high potential viewer ratings. Expectations are high for the realization of a new crown program.

From the May 10 and 17, 2024 issue of FRIDAY

  • PHOTO: Shinji Hasuo (Nakai) Yusuke Kondo (Ninomiya, Sakurai, Hirano) Shinji Hamasaki (Domoto) Keitaro Nakagawa (Matsumoto) Yoshito Murata (Yamada) Ichiro Takatsuka (Kimura)

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