Fan’s delight at Suzu Hirose’s “divine response to being called out of the blue”…! | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Fan’s delight at Suzu Hirose’s “divine response to being called out of the blue”…!

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Suzu Hirose at an event for a cosmetics manufacturer (AFLO)


With so many people watching, Suzu Hirose was puzzled by the sudden “calling out”. She looked around with a puzzled look on her face. Her face was expressionless, but she seemed to be trying her best to hide her embarrassment. Who in the world would speak to a national actress of the moment in such a frank manner? ……

On November 30, Hirose participated in a Shiseido PR event held in Tokyo. I’m sure many of her fans were thrilled to see her dressed in a white collar shirt and a long checkered skirt.

At the event, Hirose and others introduced the “d-diary” skin measurement web service. By answering questions about their skin and daily life and measuring their skin, they can find out the “cause of skin irritation”, “how to take care of your skin”, and “skin forecast for the next 5 days”.

At the event, the host asked questions about Hirose’s skin, and she revealed that she has been working hard to take care of her skin since she turned 20.

I’m working hard (laughs). (I think) I have to make an effort. …… If I come home late with makeup on, it’s a hassle to take it off, so I make sure to take off all my makeup when I’m still healthy. Even when I come home early, I take a bath right away.

The event moved on to a corner where we had an on-screen conversation with “Hadaino Diddy Maru,” a loose character from d-dialog. That’s when the “incident” happened. Due to some kind of error, Diddy Maru on the screen called her “Hirose Suzu-chan” but she called him “Hirose! The audience was in an uproar.

The audience was in an uproar. The host also seemed to be in a panic, “What’s wrong, Diddy Maru? What’s the matter, Diddy Maru? Hirose also looked nervous, but said, “It’s been a while since someone called me ‘Hirose. I think we’re going to get along well.” He followed up and saved the moment.

Hirose has been very busy in 2021 and has already been cast in the movie “Nagare no Tsuki” in 2022. The movie is directed and written by Sang-il Lee and co-stars Tori Matsuzaka and Ryusei Yokohama.

I hope she will spend the end of the year relaxing. I can’t take my eyes off Hirose more and more. ……!

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