SHIMOFURI MYOJO, who “slashed at Takuya Kimura from behind,” angered by his forbidden “height teasing” and caused many “NGs” with him. | FRIDAY DIGITAL

SHIMOFURI MYOJO, who “slashed at Takuya Kimura from behind,” angered by his forbidden “height teasing” and caused many “NGs” with him.

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Takuya Kimura was hit with a “bombshell” from SHIMOFURI MYOJO (right) over his “height problem.” ……

The ripples of “Kimura’s bullying of Kimura Takuya” are spreading.

The comedy duo SHIMOFURI MYOJO took a swipe at Takuya Kimura on their YouTube channel.

In a live YouTube streaming last August, he criticized “King & Prince,” which was now just Ren Nagase and Kaito Takahashi, saying, “Who would watch this?

Who’s going to watch it?

Not even their names are mentioned.

and “Their names aren’t even mentioned. On another music program, he said.

“No one will watch the current King & Prince.

The show was a huge flare-up.

This time, he had his sights set on Kim Tak, the symbol of the old Johnny’s office. In a past YouTube video, he said

In a past YouTube video, he had stated, “Kim Tak was once ignored by Fuji TV when he greeted me.

In a video released on May 6, he mentioned it again. In the video, he mentions it again in the video released on May 6, as part of a project to cut down on news that is popular on the Internet.

Kimutaku, you may be small ……”

The video was released on May 6, and he mentioned it again,

“This is interesting,” he said.

Here comes today’s main topic!

I’ve got the main topic of the day!

When he ignored my greeting at Fuji TV, my eyes met Kimutaku’s at this distance, but the angle of my neck was lower than when I was making eye contact with Seiya.

He also hinted that he was smaller than Seiya, who was 163 centimeters taller than him.

After that, he continued

“Maybe Kimutaku is 5’6” or something?

Maybe he’s in the 5’5″ range?

He continued to harangue. He went back to the story of how he was ignored when he greeted others.

When I stopped to greet him, he looked at me and said, “He looked at me from head to toe and back, and then he just walked away.

He was just going away,” he recounted.

Roughy was always the type of person who was completely unperturbed by slanderous comments from antagonists. He has the courage to respond to the criticisms of the aforementioned comments about Kimpuri, which were akin to death threats.

He has the audacity to respond with a challenge. “If Johnny’s had not disappeared last year, I would never have made that comment. No, even now that it has ceased to exist, it is impossible to make such a statement.

The coarse has a fixed fan base, and as far as YouTube is concerned, the response has been more positive. But for once, he should have thought a little bit more about his future,” said a person involved in the comedy industry.

While some people said, “He’s a comedian, so it’s OK,” Kimura’s appearance was the subject of the teasing by Kohin this time. Kimura’s fans took to SNS and other social networking sites.

“It’s unforgivable.

It’s not right to make comments about his appearance. It’s not right to make comments about his appearance.

It is understandable that Kimura’s fans would be outraged. A reporter in charge of entertainment for a sports paper adds, “For a long time, there has been some concern about Kimura’s height.

There had been rumors about Mr. Kimura’s height for some time, but they had been left in the wind. It would have been fine if they had kept it that way, but Mr. Kimura made it into a story with all his might. It is only natural that it would cause a backlash.

The former Johnny’s’s office ceased to exist due to the sexual assault scandal involving the late Mr. Kitagawa. The “discovery” that had been tacitly accepted up to that point has gone silent.

However, Kimura is still a figure who is looked up to not only by the former Johnny’s office, but also by the talent of other offices. According to an entertainment manager who knows Kimura

He is a real professional when it comes to his work. He reads the scripts more than anyone else and is very attentive to the performers and staff.

The team with Kimura is called “Kimura-gumi,” and young directors in the TV industry are told, “You should experience Kimura-gumi once, because you’ll see how great he is. They say, “You should experience the Kimura team once, because you’ll understand how great they are.

He is also said to take good care of junior talents. Kimura takes good care of his junior talent, and there are many people who look up to him.

But Kimura was suddenly cut down from behind. A TV insider is concerned.

There is a possibility that the talent who admire Kimura will get angry and issue an “NG” order,” said a source close to the TV industry. He declared, “That was too much. There is a big-name talent who has declared, “That was too much. I’ll give him a lecture next time. Some of the old TV people are of the opinion that Kimura is not a person who should be bullied.

We can only hope that Kimura and Rusubi don’t bump into each other in the corridors of the station. ……

  • PHOTO Yusuke Kondo (Kimura) and Shu Nishihara (Koshina)

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