Mr. Kiritani, a shareholder incentives, makes his debut as a singer and sings for the first time!

Hiroto Kiritani, a former professional Go player, came into the limelight for his lifestyle using shareholder benefits in “Monday to Night Fever” (Nippon Television Network Corporation) hosted by Matsuko Deluxe and Nobugo Murakami of Kanjani Eight. Now, he has made his debut as a singer.
Speaking of Mr. Kiritani, he has won the hearts of TV viewers with his charming appearance of pedaling his bicycle in a backpack and “running east and west” to restaurants, clothing stores, movie theaters, and other places that offer shareholder special benefits. When he appeared on “Yofukashi,” the ratings seemed to go up, and he was put on a screaming machine, which made him look like a comedian.
He also started “TikTok” in December last year. He has become popular among people of all ages, and now has more than 120,000 followers.
His debut song is “Katsushika Hosoda Kanran Ondo”. It’s a duet with a beautiful singer, Kaoru Yamaguchi.
In the past, Mr. Kiritani and Ms. Yamaguchi appeared together on “Yofukashi” as “the woman he was interested in.
On the show, Kiritani enjoyed a “bowling date” with Yamaguchi, but she was so excited that she couldn’t get close to him. However, in August 2007, he met her again for the first time in 23 years and revealed that he proposed to her the moment they met, asking her to marry him. When asked about Mr. Yamaguchi on the show, he clearly said, “I want to get married,” and it seems that Mr. Kiritani is determined.
(Wide show insider) Kiritani also made a public proposal at Yamaguchi’s dinner show in late 2007. But if you look at the fact that they haven’t reached the goal yet, it seems that the distance between them is still “delicate”…
He performed a duet song with the woman of his dreams at Yamaguchi’s dinner show held at Asakusa View Hotel on December 12. This was the first time for Ms. Kiriya to sing in public.
I’m not very good at singing, so I’m really nervous.
I’m not very good at singing, so I’m very nervous.” However, on stage, she showed us her courage and charm, and sang with a very unique voice.
By the way, “Kanran” is a cabbage. Tosuke Nakano, a farmer in Hosoda, Katsushika-ku, Tokyo, was the first person to grow edible cabbage in Japan during the Meiji era.
The lyrics of “Kanran Ondo” were written by Fujio Nakano, a descendant of Fujisuke. The lyrics of “Kanran Ondo” were written by Fujio Nakano, a descendant of Tousuke, with a passionate desire to spread the “birthplace of cabbage” throughout Japan.
Kiritani and Yamaguchi sang the song in front of more than 300 fans, and I wondered if they would be able to have a “sweet” relationship like “Kanran” cabbage. ….

Reporting and writing: Norifumi Arakida (FRIDAY Digital Entertainment Desk)
Born in Saitama Prefecture in 1975. Worked as a reporter and editor for an evening newspaper and a weekly women's magazine before assuming his current position. He also appears on TV and radio.