You’re the one who is biased! The “ripple effect” of the “street propaganda” in front of the home of Ryosuke Nemoto and others of the “Tsubasa Party” against atsushi Tamura of Romboo. | FRIDAY DIGITAL

You’re the one who is biased! The “ripple effect” of the “street propaganda” in front of the home of Ryosuke Nemoto and others of the “Tsubasa Party” against atsushi Tamura of Romboo.

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Atsushi Tamura of “London Boots No. 1 and No. 2” was attacked at his home by the “Tsubasa Party” for comments he made on a TV program.

It seems that “London Boots No. 1, No. 2” atsushi Tamura’s comments on a TV program have offended Ryosuke Nemoto, who is the secretary general of the political group “Tsubasa-no Party” and was running for the supplementary election for Tokyo’s 15th district in the House of Representatives.

On the May 5 broadcast of “Wide Nasho” (Fuji TV), author Ototake Hiromasa, who was running in the same supplementary election, appeared as a guest in the studio. During a street speech on April 16, the day the election was announced, Ototake was subjected to loud speeches and car horn honking in his vicinity by Nemoto and other members of the “Tsubasa-no-Taido” camp.

The Metropolitan Police Department reportedly issued a warning to Mr. Nemoto and Atsuhiko Kurokawa, the leader of the “Tsubasa Party,” on suspicion of “obstruction of free elections.

In response, Keita Takada, a member of Fuji Television’s political affairs desk, said on the Wide-Na Show

“There is a suggestion that they are using it to gain views by playing it on YouTube.”

Mr. Otome replied, “I think it’s a business.

“I think it’s a business.

Mr. Ototake said firmly, “I think it’s a business. And Jun said.

We want them to fight fair and square, but from their point of view, fair and square has nothing to do with it. They don’t want their names in the media, and I don’t want to mention them because I think it’s in their interest to have their names mentioned.

I don’t even want to mention them because I think it’s in their interest for my name to be mentioned,” he spat.

In response, Tsubasa’s camp was furious and began searching for him by posting on X, “If anyone knows the detailed home address of Ronboo atsushi Tamura, please give me the information. Two days later, a video of them protesting loudly with a microphone in front of what they thought was Jun’s house was spread on SNS. If he or his family had been at home, they would have been terrified.

In his “street protest,” Mr. Nemoto said

In the “street proclamation,” Nemoto said, “We have received many threatening phone calls and letters to our office because they used TV to defame us.

He claimed that he had been victimized by Jun’s comments. He also said that he had not been arrested for “election interference” and that he had done so within the bounds of legality.

Jun said that he has told X that biased reporting is not good.

What you are doing is biased reporting! Why is Otome the only one on the Wide Nation Show? This is a trial in absentia! It’s between me and Ototake, so why is Ototake the only one on the show?

He also heavily criticized the scandals that had been reported in the past. He also rehashed scandals that had been reported in the past,

I ask you, who do you think you are to be on TV with such a person?

He then shot back, “Who do you think you are to be on TV?

Nemoto added, “I’m not going to complain about a young guy like that in front of my house,

If you’re frustrated by this young man complaining in front of your house, go ahead and DM me!

If you’re frustrated with this young guy complaining in front of your house, then DM me!

Jun had hated him, saying, “I don’t even want to mention his name because it would be a publicity stunt,” but now his house had been revealed. It would have been much safer to invite Mr. Nemoto to the show and have him have a direct confrontation with Mr. Otome.

However, the meaning of holding a publicity campaign in front of the home of a “commentator,” who is neither a politician nor Mr. Nemoto, is different from the one held during an election. It could be a pressure on “freedom of speech,” and if he is a “politician,” he should think a little more about how to protest.

(A reporter from a national newspaper) Jun Rombo was unexpectedly involved in an “off-the-cuff brawl. It will be interesting to see how he deals with Mr. Nemoto in the future.

  • PHOTO Sota Shima

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