Handling Up to Five Jobs a Day Industry Insiders’ Slight Unease About Yasuko of Treasure of Reiwa Era TV | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Handling Up to Five Jobs a Day Industry Insiders’ Slight Unease About Yasuko of Treasure of Reiwa Era TV

The staff saw it! Weekly TV no Uraside

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Yasuko was ranked first in the 2023 Breakthrough Comedian Ranking announced by ORICON NEWS. Last December, she made headlines by saying that she probably worked over 300 consecutive days. It’s a testament to her hard work and popularity in the entertainment industry.

Spring 2024 High School Student Latest Trend Ranking announced, Yasuko, a 25-year-old emergency reserve self-defense officer and stand-up comedian, shines as the number one favorite comedian.

“It was the famous segment of  Welcome to Omoshiro Manor on Guruguru Ninety-Nine that is a Nippon Television Network program that has been breaking many comedians, which served as the springboard for her leap. In the 2021 edition of the project, her background as a Former Ground Self-Defense force member and her catchy catchphrase ‘Hai~’ were well-received, earning her third place. From there, her TV appearances increased. Initially, there were many who predicted that she would be consumed without even becoming a one-hit wonder, with stunts leveraging her Self-Defense Force background. But that was not the case.” (Director from the production company)

With her heartwarming and non-offensive style of comedy, coupled with her quick thinking and ability to make precise comments, Yasuko has become so successful that there is hardly a day when she isn’t seen on television.

“Being teased by other comedians for her resemblance to Kendo Kobayashi (43) from ‘Kamaitachi’ also worked in her favor. However, on the other hand, she has a deep knowledge of hip-hop and even publishes her own rap songs on YouTube. The key to her appeal lies in these unexpected contrasts. She is also very adept at using social media and has an impressive ability to self-promote.” (Broadcast writer)

When talents become successful, it’s not uncommon for them to become arrogant and disliked by the staff, but no such negative reports are heard about Yasuko.

“Even towards young staff like assistant directors, Yasuko remains surprisingly humble. However, due to her incredibly demanding schedule, sometimes handling up to five jobs in a single day, she has been showing signs of fatigue lately. Her expressions often look lifeless. There’s concern that she might collapse if this continues. She’s so busy that she doesn’t have time to gather new material, so the stories she shares on programs are becoming repetitive, which is worrisome. There was a time when Hiroe Ikeda (27) was on the verge of a breakdown, and the agency gave her a substantial break, after which she returned with renewed vigor. It might be a good idea to give Yasuko a short break.” (Key station producer)

The only downside seems to be her busy schedule. “Among female comedians, she’s in a league of her own,” praises the aforementioned broadcast writer.

“In addition to her high recognition and likability, she’s a versatile performer who excels in both on-location segments and talk shows. Her experience as a self-defense forces member gives her comments during disaster coverage a great deal of credibility. If we had to name a competing talent, it might be Oulin (26), but Yasuko’s wide range, spanning from variety shows to news programs, is unmatched.”

She truly has no rivals, but a senior executive at a talent agency expresses a slight unease about her complicated background.

“She has revealed that her father, from whom she was separated at the age of two, contacted her via social media after her breakthrough. This story is widely known, but she also grew up in a single-parent household and didn’t see her mother from the age of 16 to 22. Talents who come from complicated family backgrounds sometimes face issues such as parents or relatives asking for money or using their name without permission, leading to trouble. She’s a kind person, and that’s the only concern I have.”

We must never let the treasure of the Reiwa era’s television industry be ruined.

From the May 10 and 17, 2024 issue of FRIDAY

  • PHOTO Ippei Hara

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