Hiroyuki Nishimura Criticizes Kishida Administration’s Inaction in Noto Disaster Recovery | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Hiroyuki Nishimura Criticizes Kishida Administration’s Inaction in Noto Disaster Recovery

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Hiroyuki Nishimura, a.k.a. “Hiroyuki,” visited the Noto Peninsula, a disaster-stricken area. He expressed his anger at the slow pace of reconstruction. ……

Hiroyuki Nishimura (Hiroyuki Nishimura) updated X on April 29, and complained about the miserable situation in Noto.

Four months have passed since the earthquake in the Noto region, and yet only 9 of the 8,528 applications for publicly funded demolition of totally destroyed houses have been completed. Many houses still do not even have running water.

Can you abandon Noto as someone else’s problem when it may be your town that is next to be abandoned after a typhoon, tsunami, or earthquake disaster?

Hiroyuki visited the Noto Peninsula with “ABEMA Prime” and toured Wajima City and other areas affected by the disaster. He was accompanied by Mr. Tomoyuki Miyamoto, the managing director of Marui Orimono, a local textile company, and received explanations and other information.

The Wajima morning market, which had been damaged by fire, was in a completely untouched state. A large building was left lying on its side. Mr. Hiroyuki asked, “Why can’t the government fix it?

Why can’t the government fix it?

Hiroyuki questioned, “Why can’t the national government fix it? Mr. Miyamoto responded

Miyamoto said, “I think this is the first time that the government has taken such a cold attitude toward a single city.

Miyamoto said, “I think this is the first time the government has been so cold toward one town.

Later, when we visited Wajima Municipal Junior High School, we found the tennis courts and other facilities in a state of disrepair, but classes were still going on in the classrooms. The students shouted yellow at Hiroyuki’s sudden visit. When asked for his autograph, Hiroyuki wrote on the blackboard

Hiroyuki ♡♡” on the blackboard.

on the blackboard, drawing cheers from the students.

Then he walked through the city again and saw the current state of the city, with no progress in reconstruction and rusted cars left behind,

He said, “What happened was a natural disaster, but I think this current landscape is a man-made disaster. If we want to do something to clean this up, we can.

I think that the people who think we should do something about it are in the minority in Japan, and as a result of everyone in Japan wanting Noto to be abandoned, the Japanese government is not doing anything.

He showed a calm but angry emotion.

Meanwhile, on the Internet, X posted on April 27 by the LDP is under fire.

《Disaster prevention and mitigation, national land resilience! Promoting five-year accelerated measures for national land resilience. We will protect the lives and livelihood of the people through thorough disaster countermeasures!

The 27th is the day before the opening of the supplementary election for the House of Representatives. I don’t know what the manifesto is about, but they are putting forward disaster prevention while the restoration of Noto has not progressed at all.

X’s reply comment reads

How can you say that after leaving the Noto Peninsula unattended?

(Post a picture of the disaster area.) Look at this picture and then post it again.

The public is outraged by such comments.

Three members of the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) were elected in the three supplementary elections to the House of Representatives. The LDP suffered a crushing defeat, losing even the only district it contested, the “conservative kingdom” of Shimane 1.

The LDP lost even the only district it competed in, Shimane 1, the “conservative kingdom. Furthermore, the government has neglected the weak yen and the high cost of living, and the people’s lives are in shambles. The people’s anger has reached its peak at the “ineptitude” of Prime Minister Kishida, who has been derided as a “tax-hiking spectacle.

  • PHOTO Pasya/Afro

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