Active Female Doctor Reveals Real Sexual Situations and ED Medication Use Among Middle-Aged and Elderly Men | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Active Female Doctor Reveals Real Sexual Situations and ED Medication Use Among Middle-Aged and Elderly Men

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In early March, a “Survey on the Lives and Attitudes of Men and Women” released by the Japan Family Planning Association found that nearly half of all couples in Japan are so-called “sexless,” meaning that they have not had sexual intercourse for more than one month even though they have a spouse. The survey was conducted on 3,000 men and women aged 16-49. Is the sex drive of Japanese people declining that much?

Those who visit my clinic’s “Vaginal Gel Outpatient, ED and Erectile Dysfunction Outpatient” (online clinic) do it more often than you might think. Those who don’t do it don’t do it, while those who do do it do it. In short, I believe that ‘sexual polarization’ is occurring.

Ms. Kiyo Tominaga, director of the Tominaga Pain Clinic in Ehime Prefecture, speaks out loudly and emphatically. She has opened an outpatient clinic specializing in sexual problems, and more than 8,000 people from all over Japan have received online diagnosis. She is a digital doctor who is enriching people’s lives for the next 100 years through medical care and IT.

If you want to know what is really going on, you should not just focus on the sexless, but also on those who are having sex. They are passionate about maintaining sexual function and are actively taking ED medications and supplements.

In fact, some of my patients are couples, including an 86-year-old man and a 78-year-old woman who have intercourse several times a week. I believe this is the real sexual desire of the Japanese people.”

In his classic health book “Yosei-kun,” the Confucian scholar Kaibara Ekken, who lived to be 83 years old during the Edo period (1603-1868), wrote that the secret of long life was to “have sexual intercourse but not ejaculate,” and it is now known that ejaculation is the source of long life. Dr. Tominaga continues.

The American Journal of Cardiology reported that people who have sex more than twice a week are less likely to develop cardiovascular disease than those who have sex less than once a week.

It has also been found that those who masturbate three or more times a week are less likely to develop prostate cancer. And sex twice a week can prevent strokes.”

FRIDAY Gold introduces the characteristics and effects of each drug, as well as the supplements that many mature men take.

◆Kiyo Tominaga
Director of Tominaga Pain Clinic. Doctor of Medicine. She is a board-certified physician of the Japanese Society of Anesthesiologists. In 2008, she opened “Tominaga Pain Clinic” in Matsuyama City, Ehime Prefecture. He treats patients daily with “outpatient clinic for sexual intercourse pain,” which is rare in Japan.

  • Interview and text by Hiromi Kihara

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