Production Costs Behind Wide Na Show Cut Entertainment Reporters Behind MC | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Production Costs Behind Wide Na Show Cut Entertainment Reporters Behind MC

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Will Matsumoto ever appear on “Wide Nasho”? ……

Due to the weekly magazine report on Hitoshi Matsumoto, “Sunday Japon” (TBS, hereafter “San Japo”), which is the back program of the “Wide Nah Show” (Fuji TV, hereafter “Wide Nah Show”), has been dragged down by a large gap.

Koji Imada, who is said to have been at many of the same drinking parties, is not making good comments, and Koji Higashino, the MC, often smiles wanly, as if he is having trouble keeping the conversation together. (Director of an information program)

The program started as a late-night show in October 2001 and moved to Sunday mornings in April of the following year. The concept was “a wide-ranging show in which celebrities who are usually on the receiving end of scoops gather to share their personal opinions.

The reason for this change is that in November ’19, Matsumoto became the third director of ABC TV’s “Detective! Night Scoop” on ABC Television in November 2007, it was said that the reason for the change was that it became more difficult for Matsumoto to adjust his schedule. From that time, there were rumors within the station that it was the beginning of the end and that the program would be terminated.

In fact, Fuji Television Network had replaced “Viking More” by Shinobu Sakagami with the former “Laugh It Away! and broadcast it on weekends. However, the upper management refrained from doing so to Yoshimoto Kogyo because of the presence of “Widener. In hindsight, we should have done a “Viking extra edition.

Whether he knew it or not, Matsumoto still had the energy to somehow make the program more exciting at the time. He was angry that his comments were frequently picked up by the Internet, so he put up a board in front of the table that said “No Kiritori articles allowed. The show was not so much about energy as it was about stress.

He was not in high spirits, but rather seemed to me to be releasing stress. The scandals at Yoshimoto Kogyo continued, and Matsumoto’s comments attracted a great deal of public attention. However, in March 2011, Mr. Matsumoto finally graduated from the program.

Naturally, the program went into a tailspin. Nine months later, at the end of last year, the “Bunshun-bomb” was dropped, and here we are. Even after Matsumoto’s graduation, the program is still recorded on Friday evenings, so if something major happens on Friday night or Saturday, it is almost impossible to respond to it. Although there was an emergency live broadcast during the so-called “black market” incident, such a response is rarely seen today. At the same time, Fuji TV’s viewer ratings have been declining overall, with some times of the day when the station’s numbers are even worse than those of TV TOKYO, which used to be known as “turn around and you’ll see TV TOKYO.

I hear that BS Fuji is doing better than terrestrial TV in terms of sales. Fuji TV production companies in the Odaiba area have been cutting their production costs by 30% or 40% over the past few years,” said a production company executive.

As a result, “Wide Nasho” will also see its production budget cut significantly this spring.

As a result, “Widener Show” also saw its production budget cut this spring, according to a senior executive of a production company. They certainly don’t give their opinions, just what is written in the sports papers, so they are not needed. However, I don’t think they are being paid that much. If they are reduced in number of appearances, it must mean that the budget is being cut.

Some would naturally suggest that the program should be terminated, but the situation is not as simple as it seems.

I hear that the weekly magazine report on Mr. Matsumoto has made it more difficult to end the program. If the show were to end at this point, Fuji Television would have to admit that Mr. Matsumoto was ‘black’ in terms of whether it was a clean slate or not. Other stations have not terminated Mr. Matsumoto’s program by making replacements. No station wants to be the first to do so,” said a person involved in the production of information programs.

On March 28, the first oral argument will be held at the Tokyo District Court, and we wonder what the entertainment reporter of “Wide Nation Show” will tell about it.

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