Abnormal situation…! The surprising reason why Kim Yo Jong disappeared for two months | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Abnormal situation…! The surprising reason why Kim Yo Jong disappeared for two months

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Kim Yo Jong’s whereabouts are unknown. Some believe there is an unusual situation going on in the area (Image: Reuters/Afro)

Kim Yo Jong, the younger sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, has been missing in action.

The last time she appeared in public was at the Self-Defense 2021 National Defense Development Exhibition held on the 73rd anniversary of the founding of the Workers’ Party of Korea on October 11 this year. On December 6, the Korean newspaper Chosun Ilbo reported that the South Korean authorities were not aware of her movements. On December 6, the Korean newspaper Chosun Ilbo reported that the South Korean authorities were unable to keep track of her movements, citing the view that “an unusual situation has occurred in the vicinity.

There have been times before when Yosung has been out of the public eye for long periods of time. But the South Korean authorities were aware of her undisclosed activities, such as her visits to the provinces. This time, they have not been able to keep track of her movements at all: she did not accompany Kim Jong-un on his inspection of the construction site at Samyeon Pond in the north of the country on November 16, and she did not participate in the Workers’ Party Politburo meeting held on December 1.

He became seriously ill after contracting the new coronavirus, made a major political mistake and lost his job. …… There has been a lot of speculation on the Korean Internet about the background of Yosung’s disappearance.

The Intention Behind “Chieftain”

Mr. Gao Yongqi, editor-in-chief of Daily NK Japan, who is familiar with the situation on the Korean Peninsula, has a different view.

The key is the front page of the November 8 edition of the Workers’ Daily, the official newspaper of the Workers’ Party of Korea. In an article titled “The final battle is not far away. In the article, “The final battle is not far off. In the article, “The Great Leader, Comrade Kim Jong-un,” he wrote about Kim Jong-un as follows In the past, Kim Jong-un was often referred to as “Supreme Leader” or “General,” but recently he has been increasingly referred to as “Chief.

This suggests that Jong-un, who will be celebrating his 10th year in power next year, is trying to make himself an idol or deity. However, in North Korea, the word “leader” generally refers to the founder of the country and Jong-un’s grandfather, President Kim Il-sung. The Party’s Propaganda and Agitation Department plays a crucial role in changing people’s stereotypes. I suspect that Yeo Jong is deeply involved in it.

Mr. Yosho is the deputy director of the department. He is the deputy director of the department. He may be devoting himself to his work in order to deify his brother. The Chosun Ilbo reports the following comment by Yoo Seong-ok, former director of the Korea Institute for National Security Strategy.

Yeo Jong’s mystical strategy is to attract attention from the outside world (by disappearing), and he may suddenly appear and make his presence felt. He is preparing for a new event, and we think he is moving quietly, restraining himself from public activities.

Mr. Ko continues.

There is no doubt that Kim Jong-un and his brother Yeo Jong are trying to gain more authority. But they are said to be under 40 years old. They are still too young to hold the same position as their great grandfather. It is doubtful that they will be able to win the sympathy of the people even if they call themselves ‘leaders.

Mr. Yosho has disappeared. The struggle to make their power absolute continues.

  • Photo Reuters/Afro

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