Surprising Survival Strategy of “After Covid-19” Plotted by Yoshimoto Kogyo | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Surprising Survival Strategy of “After Covid-19” Plotted by Yoshimoto Kogyo

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The chairman of Yoshimoto Kogyo, Mr. Osaki, is a man that even the biggest comedians, such as Hitoshi Matsumoto of “Downtown”, take a shine to. Yoshimoto Kogyo has acquired its own television station.

Yoshimoto Kogyo has acquired its own television station, announcing that it will open a new BS station, BS Yoshimoto, on March 21 next year.

The theme of the station will be “regional development. The theme of the station will be “regional development,” and it will utilize the “47 Prefecture Residents’ Geisha” project, which was initiated by Chairman Hiroshi Osaki (68). The aim is to strengthen the relationship with the government and local governments by carrying out activities to raise awareness of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), which the entire company has been working on since 2005,” said a Yoshimoto Kogyo official.

In March of this year, Yoshimoto Kogyo launched “Rough & Peace Mother,” an online service for distributing “play and learn” content, in collaboration with NTT Group. In March this year, Yoshimoto Kogyo launched “Rough & Peace Mother,” an online service for distributing “play and learn” content, in collaboration with NTT Group.

The purpose of continuing the Okinawa International Movie Festival while incurring huge losses is probably to strengthen the relationship with Okinawa Prefecture. As a result, Mr. Osaki was elected as a member of a panel of experts on the use of former U.S. military facilities and areas that are expected to be returned, including Futenma Air Base. With the opening of BS Yoshimoto, he probably wants to strengthen his relationship with the government by putting more effort into regional development than ever before,” said a sports journalist.

BS Yoshimoto will mainly consist of live programs from morning to night on weekdays, but “nothing has actually been decided yet,” says the director of a production company.

Nothing has actually been decided yet,” said the director of a production company, “even the casting for the main program has not been decided. They want to use the energetic “Kamaitachi” and “Shimofuri Myojo” as MCs, but they are too busy to coordinate their schedules. In the past, Yoshimoto has held “Yoshimoto Fandango” on “SKY PerfecTV! Yoshimoto used to have a channel called “Yoshimoto Fandango TV” on Sky Perfect TV, but it was shut down after less than 8 years. Some people are worried that they will make the same mistake.

However, the Yoshimoto Kogyo insider mentioned above says, “We don’t intend to make any money from BS Yoshimoto, so we should be fine.

However, the previous Yoshimoto Kogyo official said, “We’re not going to make any money from BS Yoshimoto, so we should be fine. One of the purposes of opening “BS Yoshimoto” is to create jobs for the affiliated companies. In the “47 Prefecture Sumimasu Geinin” project, some prefectures are subdivided into cities, towns, and villages and allow the comedians to live there, while in other prefectures, the comedians sent to live there do not take root and are left to their own devices. By keeping an eye out for prefectures that aren’t doing well, we can solidify our relationship with the local government.

If we can build a pipeline with local companies, we can increase the number of business partners after the convergence of Covid-19. For Yoshimoto, whose business, which was the main source of revenue, has been drastically reduced due to the black-marketing scandal and the Covid-19 disaster, it’s like killing two or three birds with one stone.

It is said that the Yoshimoto affiliate company that is directing the production of the Okinawa International Movie Festival will be the main contractor for the production of BS Yoshimoto’s programs.

A source at an advertising agency said that the opening of BS Yoshimoto is related to the Osaka-Kansai World Exposition to be held in 2013.

The advertising agency says that the opening of “BS Yoshimoto” is related to the “Osaka-Kansai World Exposition” to be held in 2013, and that Chairman Ohsaki’s devotion to the “Osaka-Kansai World Exposition,” including the appointment of “Downtown” as an ambassador, is amazing. If he can use BS Yoshimoto to successfully promote regional development and the Osaka Expo, he may be able to get into the business of prefectures other than Okinawa and Osaka. Nowadays, TV fees are declining, so they have a lot of foresight.

With the opening of BS and local expansion, can Yoshimoto be the winner of After Covid-19?

From “FRIDAY” December 3, 2021 issue

  • Photo by Junsei Todoroki

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