Eisuke’s Love Loss in “Boogie Woogie” Unveils the Surprising Mystery Behind Mizukami Tsunetoshi’s High Sense! | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Eisuke’s Love Loss in “Boogie Woogie” Unveils the Surprising Mystery Behind Mizukami Tsunetoshi’s High Sense!

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Mizukami participating in a bean-throwing ceremony with Rikka Ihara, who appears in “Boogie Woogie” on February 3, ’24, at the Narita-san Osaka Betsuin in Neyagawa, Osaka (Photo/Afro)

I thought he would never disappear,” said Mizukami. I thought he would never disappear, because I thought he was an “expensive” actor from the time of his debut.

A writer well versed in the entertainment industry says this about Tsuneji Mizukami, 24, an actor known as Aisuke who died an untimely death in the NHK morning drama “Boogie Woogie” the other day.

As many of you may know, Mizukami was a handsome young actor who used to be very active under the name “Takeshi Okada. However, he had a complicated relationship with his agency, and when he left in August 2010, he changed his name back to his real name, Tsuneji Mizukami. Currently, he is working as a freelancer in a business tie-up with a company that manages creators.

Nowadays, entertainment agencies have become more and more strict about preventing retired actors from pursuing their careers. Nevertheless, there are many actors who have received many opportunities thanks to the backing of their offices. If they lose that backing, they often stall out, but people in the industry are all saying, “I thought Mizukami would never disappear. What do they mean?

To be honest, when she first debuted, Ms. Mizukami was too earnest and serious, and I was worried about her. In the interview, she seemed to be only interested in acting, so I asked her, “Don’t you ever want to play or do other things? I asked her, “What else do you want to do besides being a good actor? I was puzzled.

That is why, in the early days, his acting was stiff and he seemed to be a bit selective about the roles he played. Even so, I knew it would definitely sell. Because there was something high-class about it. This is not a theory anymore. It’s something you feel from the first glance.

In fact, Mizukami has attracted more attention than ever since leaving the office, rather than disappearing. When Aisuke, the lover of the main character played by Mizukami in the morning drama, passed away, a storm of lamentation broke out on SNS. The social networking sites were overflowing with cries of Aisuke loss, such asAisuke e eeeeeeeee!

As we continued our coverage, something interesting came to light. The expression “something high” was also used by another popular actor.

I had a similar impression of Mr. Mizukami with Mr. Momori Matsuzaka, who is now one of the most popular and talented actors in Japan. When he first debuted, his acting was not very good. He was good, but his acting lacked impact.

At that time, many young handsome actors such as Takeru Sato and Masaki Okada appeared on the scene. Matsuzaka, who gave the impression of being less gruff, seemed to be unable to stand out from the crowd. Still, there was something like a certainty that Momori Matsuzaka would not end up here. It was because he seemed to have a certain “height” about him.

If we were forced to put this “high” into words, what would they be? We asked a writer who is involved in many trend analysis articles.

I think it’s about being able to carry out one’s own personality without being influenced by the opinions and eyes of those around you. Mr. Mizukami is stubbornly earnest and does not bend his convictions. This can sometimes lead to trouble, but it is not easy to do, so it is a strength.

On the other hand, Mr. Matsuzaka is calm and, if I may say so, not the type that can be easily influenced. Even when he wants to give his opinions to those around him, he is not able to respond immediately. Thanks to this, she has been able to hone her own performance at her own pace, which I believe has led her to where she is today.

Of course, there are many actors who have developed their abilities while being influenced by the demands of their surroundings. However, if I were to venture an analysis of the reason for his “high” rating, I would say that this is the reason.

It will be interesting to see how Tsuneji Mizukami will develop his skills in the future.

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It was in early March 2009 that this magazine discovered Mizukami at a supermarket in Tokyo.
Mizukami got out of the office’s courtesy car parked in the parking lot, took a parking ticket, and went shopping by herself. After shopping, he settled the parking fee by himself and got into the pick-up car.
Normally, it is the manager’s job to settle the parking fee, but Mizukami’s behavior at that time was “inexplicable” and seemed somewhat distant. Within a month from now, Mizukami will file a lawsuit against the office.
  • Interview and text by Nanako

    Born in Ehime Prefecture. After working at a broadcasting station, became a freelance writer. She specializes in interviews with celebrities and articles analyzing popular events, and is always checking out serial dramas and popular Japanese movies. She is a well-known beautiful writer in the magazine industry.

  • PHOTO Yuri Adachi (1st photo), Ippei Hara (2nd and 3rd photos)

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