Nanako Matsushima’s “Bold Cream Kimono Outfit” Delights Fans…! | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Nanako Matsushima’s “Bold Cream Kimono Outfit” Delights Fans…!

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Matsushima at the Cannes International Film Festival (AFLO)

Actress Nanako Matsushima’s “too-beautiful cream-colored kimono outfit” is attracting a lot of attention. It was published in the Winter 2021 issue of the kimono magazine “Beautiful Kimono”.

In the magazine, Matsushima appears on six pages. The title of her project is “Nanako Matsushima dresses to enjoy ‘color'”.

The title of Matsushima’s project is “Nanako Matsushima’s Kimono Dressing to Enjoy Colors. Actress Nanako Matsushima wears them in an urban style.” (from the magazine)

The magazine says that “actress Nanako Matsushima wears an urban style kimono. The one that has been getting the most attention is Matsushima in a gorgeous kimono that looks like it’s shining silver.

She was wearing a gorgeous kimono that seemed to shine like silver. The komon, dyed in shades of gray with a karafana pattern, has a modern look. It’s a monotone outfit with a woven nagoya obi with a lace-like flower pattern on a black and brown mixed ground.

The glittering floral patterns on the kimono are so impressive that you can’t help but admire it. On her hand, she is wearing a 1.21 million yen Bvlgari ring, which further adds to her nobility. The 228,000 yen Velextra bag was also very dignified.

Matsushima’s face is slanted and she is smiling with her teeth showing. If a mother like her came to class in a kimono, her children would be too happy to see her.

Matsushima is currently appearing in the drama “SUPER RICH”. Noriko Eguchi, a popular actress, plays the role of “Glacier Ye,” the wild female president of a venture capital company, and according to the official website of the drama, “The story is about the roller coaster ride of a career woman’s life as she pursues her dream of becoming ‘super rich. According to the drama’s official website, it is “a completely original drama that depicts the roller coaster ride of a career woman’s checkered life as she pursues the “super rich” form of happiness. In the drama, Matsushima plays a senior colleague of the main character. She plays the role of Satomi Shimatani, an overly beautiful super career woman.

Eguchi, the main character, wears high fashion in the drama, and Matsushima says in the magazine, “I hope you will enjoy checking out the fashion. More and more, we can’t take our eyes off Matsushima. ……!

  • Photo AFLO

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