Angelica Michibata: Court Documents Reveal Marital Relationship After Incident | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Angelica Michibata: Court Documents Reveal Marital Relationship After Incident

On October 25 of this year, about two years after the alleged beauty pageant, Angelica's divorce from her ex-husband was finalized. In the court documents, the circumstances leading to the divorce were described in detail.

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Angelica did not ask for alimony. Her ex-husband has been out of touch and apparently did not attend the divorce mediation (photo taken in December ’19).

<I want to get a divorce as soon as possible from my husband, who has been controlling me by saying terrible things and being violent.

Please understand my suffering and the future of my children, and please let me divorce my husband. Please help me. I beg you.

Angelica Michibata (35), a model, appealed for a divorce from her ex-husband, Mr. A, in her statement to the judge.

In a statement to the judge, model Angelica Michibata (35) complained about her divorce from her ex-husband, Mr. A. “They were arrested in July 2007 on charges of extortion against a male acquaintance, and were both sent to court for questioning. Angelica and an acquaintance were allegedly drinking in close proximity in a private room at a bar run by her ex-husband, Mr. A. In August, Mr. A allegedly blackmailed the acquaintance into transferring 350,000 yen to a designated account. In August, Mr. A allegedly blackmailed a man he knew into transferring 350,000 yen to a designated account. In August, Mr. A allegedly blackmailed a man he knew into transferring 350,000 yen into a designated account. Angelica was present at the blackmailing and was suspected of being an accomplice, but Angelica herself denied the charges, saying, “I couldn’t do anything because I felt guilty about my husband and was afraid of his anger.

The oral arguments for divorce mediation began in September of this year, about two years after the arrest. In the court documents, the circumstances leading up to the separation and her own struggles are clearly described.

<My husband was arrested on October 3, 2049, and I left home with my eldest son. After that, I hired a lawyer to represent me and asked my husband for a divorce agreement until the middle of December of that year. However, her husband’s parents only tried to persuade her to stay away from the divorce, and the divorce talks did not proceed.

She also explained the cold relationship between the two after the incident.

<My husband was kind to my son before the incident, but after he began to suspect that I was having an affair, he began to interfere with my efforts to take care of my son, instead of taking care of him. It seems that she lost her love for her first son. I’m sure she knows about the birth of her second son through other people or the internet news, but she hasn’t even contacted me.

After Mr. A’s arrest, she once decided to divorce him, but with the persuasion of others, she tried to repair the relationship. In her statement, she reveals her painful heart.

<By mid-December, my husband was the father of our first son, and his parents asked me not to divorce him, so I decided to start over again. We used to meet about once every two weeks to discuss things, but after we decided to start over, we started meeting about three times a week.

We usually met at my husband’s restaurant for a few hours at a time, but we also took our eldest son to the park together a few times. Between mid-December of 2019, when I was seeing my husband frequently, and mid-January of the following year, I became pregnant with my second son. (Thus, even after I separated from my husband on October 3, 2019, I tried to start over at least once.

However, the relationship did not improve, and she decided to go to divorce mediation.

<However, the relationship did not improve, and she decided to go to divorce mediation.

The oral arguments for the divorce mediation began in September of this year, and on October 25, the court granted the divorce and Angelica’s custody. In her statement, Angelica revealed her thoughts as a mother.

<In her statement, Angelica expressed her feelings as a mother: “Ever since my first son was born, I have raised him with the utmost love. Thankfully, since my husband and I separated, I have had the help of my own mother and business associates, and my first son is growing up well. My second son has just been born and is a bit of a handful, but I have been able to raise him without any problems with the help of many people.

Angelica has started a new life after her divorce. Will she be able to wipe away the image of the turmoil?

  • Photo Toshikatsu Tanaka

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