The “I’m not going to stop” YouTubers’ “future plan of activities” is shocking! | FRIDAY DIGITAL

The “I’m not going to stop” YouTubers’ “future plan of activities” is shocking!

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Discussing their ideas at the end of the meeting.

These “world-fixing/patrolling YouTubers” make their living by posting on YouTube and X (formerly Twitter) how they catch molesters, voyeurs, etc. and hand them over to police officers and station employees.

After the arrests of Koroaki Purgatory and Guts CH, they held a meeting to discuss their thoughts about the arrests of their friends and anti-commentary.

The meeting they held came to an end, and at the end of the meeting, they moved on to talk about [their individual activity policies for the future. About what has changed since before].

Black Comet: I have a style of going in on anyone who is doing something wrong. From now on, if I have any doubts, I want to ask the police about everything before I act. If it is a traffic violation, I will go to a detective in the traffic division. I want to be sure that the crime is definitely committed and act accordingly. My activities are fundraising and warning bad guys. I have not been able to monetize my activities, but if I could, the scope of my activities would expand, so I hope I can do that.

HAKKUN: I want to be an inspiration to others. I want to entertain. This has never changed. Whether it is legally safe or not is difficult to judge with my current knowledge. It is difficult to make a decision right now, but I would like to do it in four or five years when I have more knowledge. I want to distance myself from private arrests because I am not confident that I will be able to do so even if Mr. Guts gets out of prison in the future. From now on, I want to do my own entertainment, something to entertain people. It could be something behind the scenes, making use of my video editing abilities. I will not do any more private person arrests.

I will not be able to reduce voyeurism to zero, but I am working to bring it closer to zero. This awareness will never change. With my current activities, voyeurism is common even as far as I can see. I feel bad and dislike voyeurism, so I want to continue to catch them.

Super Dominator: The policy of YouTube remains the same, and we will catch voyeuristic photographers. Voyeur photographers are a mess in Japan, and I think this is a social problem. What is important in my future activities is to firmly transmit my thoughts through the media. I like to talk, so I want to have a deep relationship with the media and spread the correctness of my activities. I want to devote my time to this. I want to change the way the world sees me.

Hunaim: I am a crime-fighting activist. I am not a private arrest type. I have made some private arrests, but my main activity is to eradicate special frauds, black market jobs, and so on. That will not change in the future. As part of these activities, I collaborate with various people and send out messages through the media. My hope is that my statements will spread to the world and there will be no more perpetrators and victims. To do this, we need to know more about the law. I intend to curb crime through lectures for grandparents and students. However, I intend to be careful not to commit criminal acts in the process. We won’t get the numbers, but we are not doing this for money, so this is not a problem.

Super Dominator: We are going to continue our activities. To begin with, we are not operating in a radical way. We are only catching them because they are running away. We are not of the opinion that we should just let them go. If we let them go, it’s dangerous because we don’t know what the perpetrators will do. The people who are saying whatever they want are asking if they can calmly respond when they see a criminal. I don’t agree that we are making the best choice and the criticism is coming. I think you guys should show me the perfection of arresting private citizens. You have to keep up with the times and work in a way that doesn’t generate criticism, but it’s difficult.

Hnaim: To begin with, anyone can make a private arrest as long as they meet the requirements. If you find a purse snatcher, you can make a private arrest. But nobody does it. In the end, they just watch and many don’t want to get involved.

Super Dominator: Some people say we should be calm and respectful to criminals, but that’s how they lick us. Then you have to say it firmly and strongly. I really want to be more rigid, but I just don’t do it because it’s not in keeping with the times.

Hunaim: I would like to say it more emotionally, but that makes no sense. I don’t want to impose my personal ego because it’s not good. I want to show the way to a fresh start for criminals. Because I was on the side of the criminals. I don’t really care what the public thinks, but the problem is that you make a private arrest while breaking the law.

Super Dominator: If you are arrested by the police or tried in court because you have a problem with the way you make a private arrest, it can’t be helped because you did something wrong. But we are learning from that. I hope that the anti-protesters will learn from it too.

Hunaim: Then there is the issue of money. People say that I am turning private arrests into contents for profit, but I am not monetizing them. If it was about money, Black Comet wouldn’t have been able to monetize it either. I want to help as many victims and crying people as possible. If money were my goal, I would be doing something else and living in a townhouse by now. My goal is to eliminate crime. If it looks like you’re after money so much, let’s talk to me once. Even Hakkun is like that.

HAKKUN: When I was helping him, I didn’t receive a single penny. When I heard about the arrest of private citizens, I thought I could help fix the world, and that’s all I did.

Super Dominator: I’m not in it for the money either. I just want to have enough money to live a normal life, the minimum necessary for the three of us who are running the channel. If that’s advertising revenue, I’m just saying I’d be grateful. We can put all our energy into our activities because we don’t have money as our goal. This is a matter of rank. Because money is not coming at the top, I can do my best even if I am living on the edge. I do what I do because I enjoy my current activities and they are interesting. There is no sense of justice. That’s all right.

Hnaim: I would like to hear that. About everyone’s sense of justice. I’m often told that I’m imposing your sense of justice on them.

Super Dominator: I’m not imposing it. I’m not looking for affirmation or denial. If you don’t want to watch, you don’t have to watch. I don’t know why you are watching YouTubers you don’t like when you could be watching other YouTubers.

Funaim: I don’t want to impose justice on them at all either. I want to do what pleases people for people. That’s all. Criminals only think about themselves, and I want to correct that. I want to use the information that can only come from me, a criminal, in a positive way. I want to warn the public so that they will not get involved in crime.

The two-hour meeting ended quickly, with no time passing. They have their own beliefs, sentiments, and goals for their activities. They plan to continue their activities for the sake of the world and for the sake of others.

No matter how well prepared they think they are, there are always pitfalls in unexpected places. If they are going to continue their activities, I hope they will be careful about that.

Mr. Hunayim, who was facilitating the meeting
Mr. Hakkun, who at one point was working with the arrested Guts CH.
Mr. Black Comet, who is trying to deter crime by warning people about it
Mr. Super Dominator, who is working to privately arrest voyeurs
Mr. Soshi, who is working with Mr. Super Dominator
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