“Does it feel good?” Female therapists dressed up in bold costumes for male customers… Illegal esthetic salons “excessive service” – the contents of a shudder | FRIDAY DIGITAL

“Does it feel good?” Female therapists dressed up in bold costumes for male customers… Illegal esthetic salons “excessive service” – the contents of a shudder

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Female Therapist Allegedly Over-Serviced Male Client

When investigators raided the scene, they found that a female therapist was “over-servicing” a male client in a room of an apartment building. The woman was dressed in a bold, swimsuit-like outfit. Her hands were touching the lower half of the man’s body, which was covered with aroma oil.

On December 6, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department’s Kitazawa Police Station arrested Kazuki Nihei, 46, owner of the men’s esthetic salon “Aroma Illusion,” on suspicion of violating the Entertainment Establishments Control Law (operating in a prohibited area). On December 1, Nihei allegedly forced a female employee to perform an indecent act on a male customer in a room of an apartment in Setagaya Ward, Tokyo, where store-type adult entertainment businesses are prohibited. The suspect denies the crime, saying that he did not provide sexual services.

The police had received information that Nihei’s store was offering illegal services. The Kitazawa Police Department quietly launched an investigation, and on December 1, when they entered a room of an apartment building where “Aroma Illusion” was located, they found a female therapist touching the lower half of a male customer’s body.

The female therapist, who was caught red-handed, told investigators that the owner (Nihei) had taught her how to perform sexual services.

What is a “massage”? ……

It seems that “excessive services” were performed on a daily basis.

Aroma Illusion” has about 30 female employees registered with the company. They recruit customers through the Internet and SNS. They would take customers to their apartments and perform indecent acts under the guise of ‘massages. The women were dressed in revealing and daring clothing, and were performing services while saying things like, “Do you feel good? and “Do you feel good?

Incidents of illegal services at esthetic clinics and massage parlors have not gone unnoticed. The following is a list of recent cases.

In August 2008, the manager of a massage parlor in his 40s was arrested on suspicion of quasi-forcible indecency. He persistently “massaged” the lower half of a female customer in her 30s, claiming that the treatment would cure her back pain. He is alleged to have kissed the woman’s neck and put his hand inside her underwear. The customer consulted the police, leading to her arrest.

In April 2011, a manager of a dispatch-type reflexology parlor in his 40s was arrested on suspicion of violating the Entertainment Establishments Control Law. The arrest was based on the allegation that a high school girl, who was 17 years old at the time the incident occurred, was forced to perform indecent acts on a male customer as a “back-up option. The girl was allegedly addicted to men’s underground idols and needed money.

In November 2011, the head of a clinic in his 30s was arrested on suspicion of non-consensual sexual intercourse. He touched a female client’s lower body under the guise of “treatment. He also told a female client, “Please stop it! He also sexually assaulted a female customer who did not want to be touched.

The police are gathering information in order to eradicate illegal services. However, many of the crimes were committed behind closed doors, so it is a fact that the hurdle to detection is high.

In addition to “Aroma Illusion,” the suspect Nihei, introduced at the beginning of this report, runs several other esthetic salons. The police are planning to investigate whether illegal services were also provided at other stores.

The esthetic salon had about 30 female employees (photo partially doctored)
The illegal esthetic salon was located in a quiet residential area in Setagaya Ward, Tokyo.
Female employees were said to be dressed in bold, swimsuit-like outfits (some photos have been doctored).
The illegal services were apparently performed under the guise of “massage.
  • PHOTO Shinji Hasuo

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