#1 of the images Hidakaya, Ohsho, Bamiyan, Gyoza no Manchurian… “Low-priced Chinese Chains”: A Comprehensive Chart of Their Power in 2023 | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Top right: COVID-19 crisis has captured the demand for home-delivered meals, further expanding sales. Top left: Originally the same company as Gyoza no Ohsho, but became an independent company by splitting the goodwill. Lower right: Headquartered in Kawagoe City, Saitama Prefecture. Lower left: High-Day Hidaka Corporation, which operates Hidakaya, is also headquartered in Saitama Prefecture.

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Hidakaya, Ohsho, Bamiyan, Gyoza no Manchurian… “Low-priced Chinese Chains”: A Comprehensive Chart of Their Power in 2023


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