Takashi Sorimachi and Nanako Matsushima are working together for the first time in 20 years! Fans marvel at the couple’s “too glamorous” togetherness!

Actor Takashi Sorimachi and his wife Nanako Matsushima appeared together for the first time in about 20 years in a commercial that began airing on “Good Marriage Day,” November 22, ’23.
Sorimachi and Matsushima are the new ambassadors of Shiseido’s skincare and makeup brand SHISEIDO MEN. Both appeared in the new commercial “A man’s beauty comes out in his skin. episode. Sorimachi and Matsushima have co-starred in dramas before, but this is the first time they have appeared together in a commercial.
The two got married in 2001 after co-starring in the drama “GTO” that aired in 1998. At the time, it was impressive to see them dressed in casual clothes at the press conference. They later co-starred in the NHK historical drama “Toshiie to Matsumatsu: Kaga Hyakumangoku Monogatari” broadcast in 2002. Sorimachi played the role of Nobunaga Oda, and Matsushima played the role of Matsumatsu, the wife of Toshiie Maeda.
Sorimachi and Matsushima are well-liked, and viewers who saw the new commercial commented, “They are too beautiful and dazzling! They make me happy too.
Furthermore, a remake of “GTO,” the drama in which the couple co-starred and which led to their marriage, is scheduled to be broadcast in the spring of 2012 as “GTO Revival,” a special drama celebrating the 65th anniversary of Kantele and Fuji Television.
Many are eagerly awaiting Sorimachi and Matsushima’s collaboration in the drama “GTO Revival,” and it has been announced that Matsushima will appear in a spotlight role.
When it comes to marriages between celebrities, if one of them is not selling well or is of a lower caliber, it is often said to be a ‘buzz kill,'” said Sorimachi. However, Sorimachi and Matsushima have both been active in commercials and dramas, and their likability is very high.
Matsushima has appeared in Taisho Pharmaceutical’s “Pabron S Gold W” and SECOM commercials, as well as in NHK’s historical drama “Dousuru Ieyasu. Sorimachi’s success is probably best remembered for the popular drama series “Partners.” Starting with “Partners season 14” broadcast in 2003, he played Wataru Kajo, the fourth partner of Ukyo Sugishita, played by Yutaka Mizutani, for seven years, and was talked about as the “most-appeared partner of all time. He has also appeared in commercials for Arinamin Pharmaceuticals.
The relationship of trust between the two is quite strong. They have a child who is no longer a handful, and their marriage is better than ever. Now that they have been scandal-free for many years and their image as a loving couple has taken root, people in the industry are vigilantly watching for ways to cast the two as a set.
In March 2011, “NEWS POST SEVEN” reported on a love date in which the couple shared a drink they ordered at a restaurant. Sorimachi and Matsushima have been active in their respective fields for many years. First of all, we are looking forward to seeing the couple co-star in the drama “GTO Revival.
PHOTO: Masaharu Uemoto