Women from Dating Apps Target Single Men with an Annual Income of 4 Million | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Women from Dating Apps Target Single Men with an Annual Income of 4 Million

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“Papa Katsudo”, many people have heard of this term at least once. Originally, the term was used to mean wealthy men providing financial support to women who, for financial reasons, have difficulty achieving their dreams.

In recent years, however, the meaning has been changing. The target is not necessarily a man from a wealthy family.


The target is a man with an annual income of 4 million yen.

“Rich men are not easy to get money from. They have a wide circle of friends and know how to have fun, so they are used to spending money on hobbies and cabarets. It is easier to target men with an annual income of about 4 million yen who don’t know how to have fun and who are not popular with the ladies.”

That’s what my friend F said. She has a full bust and a childish tanuki face. She is looking for a man she can raise as a daddy on a regular love matchmaking app, rather than on an app that requires identification and proof of annual income.


When I asked her a simple question, “Can a man with an annual income of 4 million who registers on a matching app have a daddy life?” she laughed and said, “Uncle Dan has a lot of money saved up because he has nothing to spend even though he makes little money.”

He has no hobbies and no friends, so he signs up for a matching app and tries to get a girlfriend, but he is never taken seriously. 

“It’s easy to make such a man fall in love. He’s never been with a woman before, so he’s happy just to get in touch with her. If you can gradually imprint on him that he is the only one he can rely on and become his one and only “light in his daily life,” he will sacrifice himself for you.”

Techniques for drawing money

I once witnessed a woman withdraw money from a lonely man with an annual income of 4 million yen. The other man, of course, was more than a year older than her, whom she met on a regular matching app.

At first, she said, “I like older men but it’s hard to meet them, so I’m glad I met 00-san,” and they exchanged casual LINEs and short phone calls every day.

Then, when her presence became commonplace for the men, she would say, “I’m sorry, 00-san. I’ve paid my tuition and I don’t have any money, so my cell phone will be off until my payday. I’m afraid I’ll worry you, so I’ll tell you first. I miss you too much.”

Then, the man who has taken it for granted that he communicates with his girlfriend every day, fearing that he will lose contact with her, the “light of everyday life,” will ask himself, “How much is the cell phone bill (usage fee)?” 

Even if they cannot afford to buy a luxury bag, they can afford to pay several tens of thousands of yen for cell phone usage. He quickly wired her 30,000 yen via PayPay, gave him a smile and said, “Let’s go out for yakiniku!”

A little goes a long way

She would pull out 20,000 to 30,000 yen, saying things like, “I don’t have any clothes to wear on my date with Mr. 00,” or “My nails have grown long and I can’t go get them done.”

Even if it is once or twice a week, if they accumulate, the amount will reach 100,000 yen, and before you know it, you are paying tribute. Small, minor expenses are not as important as one might think.

And men who think they are in a relationship are so immersed in a sense of superiority that they cannot see the reality of the situation.

By the way, the clothes I buy on Mercari don’t really cost that much, and the “pictures of my nails growing long” were provided by a friend. How clever.

Loneliness is a prey for the powerful

Sadly, loneliness is a prey for deceivers. Having no one to talk to is the best environment because there is no one to stop the situation.

For a lonely man, a person who relies on him and gives color to his daily life is a light that illuminates his previously dark path and makes his life worth living.

That is why lonely men with an annual income of 4 million yen, even if they cannot afford luxury, “I just have to be patient a little,” and raise money from their meager income to spend on the girls they like.

Of course, the men are unaware that this is a kind of “daddy’s life” for the girls. Just as in the cabaret club sex business, they continue to interact with the girls in the belief that they will be able to get together with them, and are gradually exploited for money.

  • Wen Rui Hui PHOTO Kyodo News

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