The current members of the University of Tokyo’s football team are outraged at the “no apology” in the manager’s e-mail even though the team has been “abolished”. | FRIDAY DIGITAL

The current members of the University of Tokyo’s football team are outraged at the “no apology” in the manager’s e-mail even though the team has been “abolished”.

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Chancellor Mariko Hayashi has decided to close the traditional football team. Will she be able to reform the university? ……

Dear members of the football team, I have just received a message from the university headquarters informing me that the football team will be discontinued as a result of the decision of the Athletic and Sports Management Committee that was held today.

The members of the club learned of the abolition of the club in a message that began with this sentence.

The sender was Toshihide Nakamura, director of Nihon University’s American football team. The message continued as follows

We have not received any further information at this time. However, he asked us to contact him first with our decision so that no one outside of the university would know that the club would be closed.

We were told that the university would explain again about the future, the circumstances and reasons. We will contact you as soon as we receive further information. Director Nakamura》

In late July, a drug problem surfaced in the Nihon University football team, and on August 5, one member of the team was arrested for violating the Narcotics Control Law, and in October and November, one person each was arrested.

The management of Nihon University, including Chancellor Mariko Hayashi, held a press conference to put out the fire, but a short time later, a confrontation between Chancellor Hayashi and Vice President Yasuhiro Sawada surfaced. However, a confrontation between Chancellor Hayashi and Vice President Yasuhiro Sawada surfaced a short time later, with an audio tape of Chancellor Hayashi pressuring Vice President Sawada to resign being leaked.

Sawada filed a lawsuit against Chancellor Hayashi, claiming that he had been subjected to power harassment.

Sawada eventually filed a lawsuit against Chancellor Hayashi, claiming that he had been subjected to power harassment. The current students at Nichi-Univ.

I feel like, “What the hell is going on here? It was the students on the football team who caused the problem, but the adults mishandled the situation, causing the commotion to escalate. As a student of Nihon University, I feel nothing but shame.

I am ashamed as a student of Nihon University,” he said. According to the student, his parents and local friends are worried about him.

The current members of the football club are in disbelief at the “decision to close the club” so abruptly.

After the drug problem was discovered, the club held weekly meetings, where students worked together to develop measures to prevent a reoccurrence.

The students had been working together to prevent a reoccurrence of the problem. I don’t understand. The director’s message didn’t even include an apology, saying, ‘I’m sorry for what happened. (If it had been Masato Uchida, who resigned after the malicious tackling incident in 2006, I think he would have approached the university. I honestly don’t feel …… that the club ended so easily,” said a current member of the football team.

The public’s view of Nihon University has become increasingly severe in the wake of the drug problem, and the Japan Private Schools Foundation has decided to deny all subsidies for the 2011 fiscal year. Chancellor Hayashi may have wanted to put an end to the turmoil by abolishing the football team, but this seems like “cutting the lizard’s tail.

The Nihon University football team was founded in 1940. Known as the “Phoenix,” the team has won the Koshien Bowl 21 times and the Rice Bowl four times. A current member of the club, who is also a member of the Koshien Bowl team, spoke with a strong tone of voice.

I am angry at the three arrested men, saying, “They should not be criticized for the crimes they committed. Of course they should be criticized for the crimes they committed, but I think they will regret it for the rest of their lives.

I think it is beyond the level that students can bear. They have closed the club in a haphazard manner, and I don’t feel any consideration for the members of the club who had nothing to do with it.”

In the case of the malicious tackling incident, the whole story eventually came to light when a member of the club gave his real name and face to the authorities. One alumnus who also attends Nihon University events said, “Nihon University’s cover-up is so obvious that it is impossible to see the true extent of the problem.

The cover-up nature of Nihon University has not changed. They probably intend to close the curtain by closing the football team and making the members of the team bear the responsibility.

On December 4, Nihon University will hold a press conference to report on the progress of its improvement plan and disciplinary measures. Can the growing headwind be quelled at this rate?

  • PHOTO Shinji Hasuo

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