Don’t take me for a fool! …Man Stabs Classmate to Death at Year-End Party: “Revengeful Reaction to Being Dumped by Girl He Favored” – Fearful Motive for the Crime | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Don’t take me for a fool! …Man Stabs Classmate to Death at Year-End Party: “Revengeful Reaction to Being Dumped by Girl He Favored” – Fearful Motive for the Crime

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The defendant stabbed a classmate deeply in the side of the head with a kitchen knife (Photo: Image. (Image: Afro)

I didn’t mean to kill him.”

The man stated so and denied the indictment.

On November 10, the Osaka District Court heard the first trial of Yutaka Inakake, 56, who is accused of murder and intimidation. Inakake is alleged to have stabbed his classmate Hiroyuki Nitta, then 55, to death at a New Year’s Eve party in 2010.

The scene of the crime was a street in front of a snack bar in Hirano Ward, Osaka City. Inakake had been receiving support from the woman who ran the snack shop, and it appears that she was financially dependent on him and fond of him. However, the woman confessed to Inakake that she liked Nitta-san. When he was rejected, Inakake somehow developed a grudge against her during a year-end party and killed Nitta, shouting, “Don’t you dare take me for a fool! and killed Mr. Nitta.

Inakake is not only accused of stabbing Mr. Nitta to death. He is alleged to have fled the scene, called the woman on her cell phone from a pay phone, and threatened her as follows I won’t get caught until I kill you! Inakake said, “I didn’t threaten her. Inakake denies the crime, saying he did not threaten her.

FRIDAY Digital” reported in detail on the Shihan stabbing incident in an article distributed on January 6 this year. We would like to recount the circumstances of the trouble and Inakake’s startling words and deeds after the crime.

The scratches were as deep as 13 cm. ……

I’m going to buy cigarettes.

With these words, the man left the snack bar where the year-end party was held. He headed for a nearby convenience store. The man bought a kitchen knife with a blade of about 14.5 cm in length and stabbed a classmate deeply in the right side of his body when he came out of the snack bar after the end of the year-end party, killing him.

On January 2, 2011, the Osaka Prefectural Police’s Investigation Department’s Investigation Division 1 reported the murder. On January 2, 2011, the Osaka Prefectural Police’s Investigation Division 1 announced that they had arrested Inakake on suspicion of murder. On New Year’s Eve, December 31, 2010, just after 1:00 a.m., he allegedly stabbed his classmate Nitta to death on a street in the same ward with a weapon he had obtained at a convenience store. Inakake denied his intention to kill, saying, “I didn’t intend to kill him.

The snack bar at the scene was the venue for an after-party, which was attended by more than a dozen people. A year-end party had been held the night before by local classmates, and Inakake was very drunk. According to the participants, there was no particular trouble between the defendant and the victim, Ms. Nitta.

However, although Inakake denied intent to kill, the wound on Nitta-san’s right side was 13 cm deep. He must have had a strong grudge against her. As a result of the autopsy, the cause of death was found to be exsanguination.

A year-end party by classmates that was supposed to be fun turned into a Shurahara (Photo: Image) (Image: Afro)

After the crime, Inakake fled on a bicycle. It was on New Year’s Day of 2011 that the defendant was found by investigators of the prefectural police, who were pursuing his whereabouts after receiving a report from a participant of the year-end party.

The location was a street in Himeji City, Hyogo Prefecture, where Inakake used to live. When asked his name by investigators, he initially stated a false name, ‘Miyazaki. He seemed to have responded honestly to subsequent questioning.

It was supposed to be a fun year-end party where classmates could talk with each other after a long absence. What on earth happened between the assailant and the victim?

“From the outside, there may not have been a problem, but there may have been some trouble during the year-end party that only the two of them could have understood. Perhaps it was something related to the woman who ran the snack bar.

The fact that they had not prepared a murder weapon before the year-end party suggests that this was a spur-of-the-moment crime. However, she had no experience in stabbing a person, and if she was drunk, the result would be irreversible. The defendant did not know how to use force and wounded the attacker to the point of taking his life. The defendant must have turned pale after sobering up and realizing the gravity of the situation.

The verdict is scheduled to be handed down on November 27.

What was supposed to be a fun year-end party with classmates turned into a shuraba (Photo: image) (Image: Afro)
  • Photo Afro

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