Yuzuru Hanyu, Divorced for Three Months, Never Called “Wife” in Divorce Comments, Leaving “Bewilderment” in His Wife’s Voice
Yuzuru Hanyu, the two-time Olympic gold medalist in men’s figure skating, is causing a stir with his surprise divorce.
On November 17, Hanyu, who had just married an ordinary woman named A in August, announced his divorce on his official SNS. Hanyu explained the reason for the divorce
Hanyu said, “Various media outlets have been slandering, stalking, and conducting unauthorized interviews and reports against my civilian partner, her relatives, and related persons, as well as against my own relatives and related persons.”
He began.
When I think about the future, I want my partner to be happy, and I want her to be happy without any restrictions.
The first part of the announcement was a statement that Hanyu had been sympathetic to the couple’s feelings.
At the time of the announcement, many were sympathetic to Hanyu, but as time passed, some began to take a more sober view.
Journalist Shoko Egawa called the divorce a “blur.
In her media platform “note
In Hanyu’s case, he wanted to convey the fact of his marriage, but he probably did not want any mention of the woman who became his wife.
I guessed that he did not want to mention anything about the woman who became his wife. However, many people want to know who the national star is married to,
I don’t agree with the idea that the media needs the husband’s permission to cover a story in order to respond to the public interest. Of course, it goes without saying that the manner of coverage needs to be ethical and in line with human rights. That is why I think it is better to clarify who (which media) did what.
He pointed out. Mr. Egawa further wrote
There are cases in which a news outlet reports private matters that the parties involved do not want to know, in order to satisfy the readers’ and viewers’ “need to know. This is the case with most of the reports on celebrities, athletes, politicians, and other prominent people’s relationships, divorces, adulterous affairs, illegitimate children, or past scandals.
If the media is not allowed to cover or report without the “permission” of the person in question, it will function only as a publicity medium to spread only the information that the person himself or herself wants.
In fact, the former Johnny’s tried to control the media in this way, and all but a few media outlets followed suit. And we have just witnessed how that has turned out.”
While both sides of Egawa’s opinion are flying in the face of the controversy, the minimum manner of reporting on Hanyu has been observed, especially by TV and sports newspapers. A reporter for a sports paper revealed, “Hanyu has not only been a good sport, but he has also been a good sport.
The reporter for a sports newspaper revealed, “Not only that, but even in this divorce drama, he tried not to use the word ‘speedy divorce’ as much as possible. This is in consideration of the circumstances of the divorce.
Many of Mr. Hanyu’s fans are fanatical, so if we wrote a poor article, not only would it cause a firestorm on SNS, but they would also call the editorial department directly and say, ‘This article is terrible! They also call the editorial office directly and say, “This article is terrible!
On the other hand, it is also true that the “reality” of their married life was not at all clear. According to the sports newspaper reporter mentioned above
He never brings his wife to the competition, and it is forbidden to talk about anything other than figure skating in interviews with the mass media. He never talked about his family life.
He never talked about his family, probably with his female fans in mind, but the reporters said that he didn’t seem to have any sense of life at all.
The reporter said, “I don’t feel like I’m living in a home at all.
In his divorce comment, Hanyu did not refer to Ms. A as “my wife,” but rather as “my partner. This was also commented on the Internet.
I don’t hear the word ‘wife’ used even once.
I wonder what kind of life they had as a couple.
“I wonder what kind of life they had together,” and “Maybe it is Ms. A who should be pitied as well.
The same is true for Ms. A.” “What kind of life did they have as a couple?
Despite Hanyu’s request, some media outlets have been covering the “other side” of the divorce. Are slander, stalking, and excessive media coverage the only reasons for the divorce?
The confusion has yet to dissipate.
PHOTO.: Reuters/Afro