Showing the shocking appearance of his macho body! Kizaemon Saiga’s Fiery White Paper “Breaking Down and Winning Completely” Surprising Plan! | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Showing the shocking appearance of his macho body! Kizaemon Saiga’s Fiery White Paper “Breaking Down and Winning Completely” Surprising Plan!

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Behold the pumped-up body.

Long time no see, Mr. Friday!

When I visited the gym on the top floor of a prestigious building in Tokyo, a smiling Kizaemon Saiga, 34, was waiting for me. It was around summer that Friday Digital reported that Saiga had decided to start running a personal gym as he prepares to start a new life together with his eldest daughter this spring, after a long period of personal turmoil.

At that time, Kizaemon revealed that he had received offers from two or three martial arts organizations and was considering a return to the ring – and finally, the other day, it was revealed that he would be blitzing Breaking Down, a martial arts tournament that is very popular with elementary and middle school students. ” At the “Breaking Down 10” (November 23, Saitama Super Arena), a tournament that is based on the concept of deciding the “strongest fighter for one minute,” the winner of a nationwide tournament of 100 brawlers will cross fists with Issoso Hosokawa, the winner.

His participation in the tournament was decided this fall. Kizaemon laughed off the magazine’s concern that such a short preparation period, after such a long gap, might be dangerous .

He said, “I was contracted to weigh 71 kg, and now my weight has returned to around 65 kg. I think Hosokawa will come in at 71 kg, but I intend to fight at about this weight. If I put on too much muscle, I will lose speed. I do my own training in between instructing clients at the gym. When the timing is right, I go to Mirai’s (Asakura) gym to spar with him. I have known Mirai for a long time, and he used to ask me, “Why don’t you do Breaking Down? He invited me to join Breaking Down. I thought that since I was coming back to the ring, I wanted to do it in the most exciting place, so I asked him if he thought RIZIN would be a good place. I asked him if RIZIN would be good, and he said, “Bredan. I have an eye disease and am also injured, so I thought the one-minute rule would be convenient for me, so I accepted the offer.

He plans to fight at around 65 kg, rather than the contracted weight of 71 kg, but he said, “Well, I don’t have any problem.

President Asakura of “Breaking Down” responded coolly , “That’s right, isn’t it?

The auditions, a Breaking Down specialty, were interesting (laughs). Everyone was howling and it was like going to an amusement park. I knew some of the local guys in the group. I’m a sportsman, so I had no intention of getting into a brawl, but if someone had tried to start one, I would have beaten them to a pulp on the spot. No one came at me, though.

For the past two years, the stress of his personal life has prevented him from practicing properly.

He said to his opponent Ishikawa , “Are you Kizaemon?  I don’t know the other guys, but I know only you. I ‘ll do it for you.” The response to his audition video was great, and he said, “My mom asked me, ‘Are you going to fight again?  Are you injured? I was stunned.

He was concerned about the blue tang in his left eye, but “it wasn’t an injury from sparring, but from a barbell hit when I was leading a client’s training session.

My eldest daughter was also concerned, “Dad, are you going to have a match?” I’m not a sparring partner, but I was hit by a barbell when I was teaching a client’s workout. I was worried about that, but she said, ‘You want to do it because you love martial arts, don’t you? But I told her, ‘If you’re going to do it, you have to do it with all your might. The best thing is not to win or lose, but to not get hurt. Be careful about that. He is really cute. Lately, they have grown up and quarrel with each other. He says, “I don’t want to see my father’s face. Don’t come into my room! But the next morning, he says, “That’s enough. Come here, Daddy! I really want to win.

Kizaemon has resumed full-fledged martial arts training, and he remembers one thing: “I really like martial arts. I really like martial arts,” he said.

When I started sparring, I thought, ‘This is fun. What’s fun is that martial arts are so much fun. What’s fun is that in martial arts, you have to use your head to win. You have to feint, and you have to bait your opponent to counter. Tactics are evolving rapidly. When I was working hard, there were no “calf kicks” (low kicks to the calf). The same goes for pacing. Breaking Down” is a one-minute fight, but a human being can only rush for about 20 seconds. Where do you find your peak? I still feel that my reactions are a step slower than in my prime, but in “Breaking Down,” I am sure that I will win. I will probably set up suddenly. I’m aiming for a KO by striking him right in the face with a right hand.

His smile is a sign of confidence.

Kizaemon may be using this “verbal attack” as part of his strategy. Although he was almost KO’d in his private life, he wants to shut out the noise in his main business. From the look on his face on this day, it seems that he has a good chance of winning.

What kind of answer will the father give his beloved daughter in the ring?

He announced to this magazine that he would KO her with a straight right hand.
  • Photographed by Takeshi Kinugawa

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