Former No. 1 Host Arrested for Selfish Motive Former No.1 Host Arrested for Selfish Motive | FRIDAY DIGITAL

Former No. 1 Host Arrested for Selfish Motive Former No.1 Host Arrested for Selfish Motive

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On November 16, Sei was sent to Kamata Police Station for prosecution.

I still have the money, don’t I?

The former No. 1 host who fell from grace has gone too far in his aggressive collection of accounts receivable.

On November 14, Kamata Police Station of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department arrested Sei Toshiya, 35, a host with an unknown address, on suspicion of extortion and assault. Around 10:00 p.m. on September 29, Sei drove to the vicinity of the workplace of a woman who attended the host club where he worked, called the woman at her workplace, and received 200,000 yen in cash from her in his car parked in the parking lot. That day, the woman had promised to pay Sei a portion of the 5 million yen in unpaid food and beverage bills.

When the woman pleaded with him to wait a little longer for the rest of the money, Sei suddenly punched her in the face. At that time, the woman suffered a total of 10 days of healing on her face. Sei took the woman to his house in Ota Ward and tried to get her to go get cash, saying, ‘You have money at home, don’t you? When the woman told him that she had no cash at home, he made her withdraw 100,000 yen in cash from a nearby ATM and took it from her on the spot. Sei and the woman had known each other for several years, and about three months ago, he made her spend 5 million yen in one month to make himself No. 1,” said a reporter from the society section of a national newspaper.

Three days after the incident, the woman visited the Kamata Police Station and filed a damage report, saying that she had a problem over accounts receivable. Sei denied some of the charges, saying, “I beat her and received cash, but I didn’t blackmail her or scare her.

Sei is a handsome man with a baby face, has been a host for a long time, and was once a successful host who was ranked No. 1 many times. However, as he got older, his sales declined. He was being overtaken by younger hosts who had newly joined the store, and he seemed to be getting quite impatient. Therefore, Sei had a woman who had been nominating him for a long time repeatedly go to his store and make a large amount of accounts receivable even though she had no ability to pay. The suspect probably committed this crime in order to collect the accounts receivable at any cost,” said an acquaintance of the suspect.

How could he blackmail his own customers and make them withdraw what little cash they had? This may have a bearing on the “accounts receivable problem,” which has become a social issue.

A system of accounts receivable that puts female customers in massive debt has become a social problem
The suspect was looking down throughout the prosecution.
A selfie posted on Sei’s Instagram. He worked at a host club under the name “Shunsuke.
  • PHOTO Shinji Hasuo

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